Someone wants to use a photo of mine for an art project/display
And I have no idea what to charge for something like that. It's in Germany. A non commercial public art project. Any ideas as to what to charge??
Shilowe, getting my masters in psychology,
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo
1. Do you know the artist, is it a friend of yours?
2. How did this person come upon your image? Did you enter it in a competition or did they stumble across the photo online?
3. Describe the public art program in question.
4. Will you receive some sort of credit or other exposure, even if only at an art opening or reception? Will the art project be promoted by others and is there an opportunity for you to market your name that way?
5. Do you sell your photographs?
6. What does the artist intend to do with your image? Will they be creating a derivative work based on your photo? Will your image be a prominent part of the display?
7. Is anyone else getting paid or is this all strictly not-for-profit public service type of stuff?
8. Tell us a bit about the image or better yet, can we see it?
Olympus E510 and Gigapan mount
Thanks for the good questions...I didn't think to ask hardly any of them!
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo
I think it boils down to whether you value the exposure of your image as compensation in and of itself or whether you prefer a monetary payment. I think that an image used for a public arts program is different from say, Coca-Cola, wanting to use the image.
Based on your answers, here is what I would do in your place: I'd let them use it but with a written agreement and five stipulations:
1. I'd tell the artist that they could use the image for the purpose of creating a single derivative artwork for non-commercial purposes. (Verify that this is all for non-commercial use - because if they are getting paid then you need a cut of the payment!)
2. I'd also tell them that they were granted rights to use my image for the purpose of participation in the specific artwork program that they described and for it to be displayed on up to ___(fill in number)___ billboard displays.
3. Stipulate that you should be given credit for the original photograph in all promotional materials for the project.
4. As compensation request that they agree to send you four high-quality digital images of the billboard once the work is installed, also request that you be sent a copy of any promotional materials the work or your name appears in. They should grant you the right to use these photographs in your promotional materials.
5. Any commercial use will need to negotiated under a seperate agreement.
All of this should be written up into an agreement. There is a book called "Business and legal Forms for Photographers" by Tad Crawford that I found at Barnes and Noble, it comes with a Cd full of contracts in editable form. You could modify one of the contracts to include these terms. I usually use the "Contract for the Sale of Fine Art Photography" but I'm sure that another one could be doctored up for your needs as well. I'd send them the agreement in PDF form and ask that they return a copy signed (electronically would be fine) and send my file once I got the agreement back.
My take is that this could be a unique opportunity to create a fantastic image for your portfolio, marketing, and your website. Others on this forum may differ, and if they do I hope they post their views, but I see this as an opportunity for you to collaborate on something.
Thnx for listening to my 2 cents.
Olympus E510 and Gigapan mount
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo