Global customise galleries?

Is it possible to change one ( or more) settings across ALL galleries in one move or do I have to dio it to every one indibidually?
I just want to change the camera info button?
Is there a quick way?
Just tought I'd ask before I went ahead:wink
I just want to change the camera info button?
Is there a quick way?
Just tought I'd ask before I went ahead:wink
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
thanks Denise - good thought - but i tried tat once and it ( or something else coincidentally) did funny things across my site - bit shy of it now
It works amazingly well, I highly recommend it.
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OK so IM trying to get my head around it - not sure what one's supposed to do really - I hope Ive downloaded the right thing ( again)
I imagine there are some instructions on how to use it somewhere - I'll have a browse - wish me luck;-)
BTW shows two folders that I no longer have - [colour, Black and White]... at the top level,
any ideas?