Need some advice from photography business owners
I would like to ask your expert business opinion on an opportunity that has been presented to me. I will tell the story but leave out the name of the organization involved.
I have a photographer friend that was asked to be the photographer for an organization that puts on events all around the country to raise money for a specific cause. They are very well known. This particular event close to my area seems to be one of the more popular ones. The photographer cannot do the event due to a conflict in schedule so she has called me. She has proposed to pay me for my time, gas and lodging which is fine. In the conversation she also states that the photos will go under her business name and represent her and her photography business. I do know that these photos could potentially be put on their website, national brochures and publications. I am new to the business side of photography and would like to see how some of you would handle the opportunity.
I would love to accept the job but would like to ask that any use of the pictures have my name as well as her business name on them. Is this unfair to ask or if I get paid does this mean I relinquish any rights to have my name on the pictures. Advice would be appreciated.
I have a photographer friend that was asked to be the photographer for an organization that puts on events all around the country to raise money for a specific cause. They are very well known. This particular event close to my area seems to be one of the more popular ones. The photographer cannot do the event due to a conflict in schedule so she has called me. She has proposed to pay me for my time, gas and lodging which is fine. In the conversation she also states that the photos will go under her business name and represent her and her photography business. I do know that these photos could potentially be put on their website, national brochures and publications. I am new to the business side of photography and would like to see how some of you would handle the opportunity.
I would love to accept the job but would like to ask that any use of the pictures have my name as well as her business name on them. Is this unfair to ask or if I get paid does this mean I relinquish any rights to have my name on the pictures. Advice would be appreciated.
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
Cripes! Am I missing something? Even when I need to relinquish right to an image I take on the job (day job), the National Park Service allows me to display them with my name, but they are technically public domain images. I can never sell them. But, I can display them. And, I can release them to the public for public use. In other words, her demand seems totally unreasonable. I reiterate..... what would she expect if the roles were reversed?
One other question..... How badly do you want or need the money?
My not so humble $0.02.
Dusty Dog Digital
Appreciate your response.
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
After i finished he said is $300 ok..i said sure. Not one piece of paper signed & i will never see those photos again. Its $300 i didnt have in the morning. I went immediately after i had finished & bought a new hat.
Sometimes its great to just keep it simple. Take the job/$ & be happy without over complicating it.
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
I have done exactly this exact same thing for a lawyer that had some original Vargas Prints.....I did not want copies or my negs as I migh have been tempted to.......well.......I just did not want to take the chance of what I might do down the road:D..............................
In other words, it depends on you. What do you need or want. If contacts are what you may get out of this, and that's enough compensation, then go for it. If you really need the money (which you already said you don't), then go for it. If you really want your name associated with the images, well, you read my prvious post. Charge her as high as she would expect if the tables were turned. See if she bites.
Dusty Dog Digital
Remind self, if I ever go to Australia buy hat BEFORE going.
I know every situation can be different, but the prices some of you accept are just crazy. I only do this as a PT hobbie, but I have some pretty expensive equipment and spend time shooting away from family - no way I'm giving photos away just for some spare change.
Heck I just recently had a company contact me about using one or two of my photos in their product brochure - I gave them a regular price on one image and a discount of they used two. In the end the wanted to just use one image at first - $500 just for a small catalog run...and that was on the low end of pricing.
You guys/gals should really reconsider what you accept for payment sometimes and make sure it fits what you are giving.
Yeah, I know it was crazy. As a matter of fact, she asked me to shoot her baby's Christening next month. I declined. I told her I don't do events, and fact is, she's a pain. And, if I asked for a real price, she'd not want to pay. By me not doing the shoot means that she has to actually hire a pro event photograper at pro prices. She's cheap, and it's not my problem. And, trust me, I'll never give away a job that cheap again. Never. Yup, I was crazy. And, I apologize to anyone for my low ball price for that gig. But honestly, I was hurtin' broke. I needed the spare change immediately.
Dusty Dog Digital
BTW, there are many studios that will set you up with a camera/lens package for certain events. You then become a warm body to press the shutter at certain times. Thems the breaks, and it's the way many great photogs got into business for themselves.
This is very true. But keep in mind that this shooter is more interested in credit than money.
Ummm . . . I don't think it's the same thing. A second shooter is working under the direct supervision of the primary photographer. Not the same IMHO.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Just how I see it.
I have a company where we hire people to shoot events and they don't get photo credit. Wal-mart, Sears, etc all have employees who don't get any photo credit. It happens a good bit.