The old, abandoned garage

Me and my friend heard about this old burned down garage. And after 2 months of complete grey weather, it was sunny!. We went to bed arround 3 am the night before, and i woke up at 9am with a sunburst right in my iris. I sent a sms to my friend and had some coffe before we packed our gear and began to walk towards the old building.
Not as good as schmoo
. But still, my keeper ratio has increased a bit. And that´s a good sign of progress.
What do you guys think?.

We are going fo the nightpics this very night
take care // Arvid
Not as good as schmoo

What do you guys think?.

We are going fo the nightpics this very night

take care // Arvid
I like them Arvid
I like the dark feel about these images, rust, ashes, melted plastic.
The place is quite a mess isn't it.
No. #3 is my favourite in this lot.
You did a great job, Schmoo would be proud of you I'm sure
Thanks for sharing .... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
My Photo Blog
Thanx for comment
I shot these with a Pentax K10D and a solid 35 mm f/2.0 and pentax SMC 18-55 + external flash. Some with monopod and some without.
The exif is on my smugmug if you want to know more. But the apparture is not registerd on the ones with the 35 mm since it´s all manual.
The place is such a wreck!.. But still intact enough to give you some great photos. And a great place for graffiti practice :O
I think my favorite of the set are #1 and #3, particularly 3 because of the duet of lines and curves, red and blue.
Your lighting is fantastic! Have to say I have only worked with available light so far, never having brought a flash with me.
There are lots of approaches you can take with these kinds of places. People sometimes take a documentary tack and step back to view the bigger picture. I tend to stay more focused on the tricks and patterns found in the details, but all in all I think finding art in something so ruined is a really enjoyable endeavor. But it can be quite challenging too, depending on what you're given to work with.
From the shots you've posted over the last few weeks it seems you have a really great urban location to go out and play with. Have fun!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Thanx schmoo..
I would have taken some more of the whole scene, Guess i got a bit to much into the details. Well, the building is still there. Just have to wait for the nice weather to come and visit me again...1 time in 2 months..Darn weather:(