FS: Vintage 35mm SLR (Praktica) + 3 lenses + acc.

PRAKTICA BC1 35mm SLR camera with the following:
- 28mm f/2.8 MC Prakticar / Pentacon lens – in very good shape but has a tiny bit of oil on aperture blades
- 50mm f/1.8 MC Prakticar / Pentacon lens – in very good shape
- 135mm f/2.8 MC Prakticar / Pentacon lens with built-in hood - in very good shape but has a tiny bit of oil on aperture blades
- 2X Prakticar Teleconverter – in very good shape
- screw – on hood
- Carl Zeiss Jena DDR 49mm polarizer filter (M49P)
- ND 4 or 8 filter 49mm (it doesn’t say but it looks dark) (M49)
- Vivitar 49mm UV-Haze filter
- Cable release
PRAKTICA BC1 35mm SLR camera with the following:
- 28mm f/2.8 MC Prakticar / Pentacon lens – in very good shape but has a tiny bit of oil on aperture blades
- 50mm f/1.8 MC Prakticar / Pentacon lens – in very good shape
- 135mm f/2.8 MC Prakticar / Pentacon lens with built-in hood - in very good shape but has a tiny bit of oil on aperture blades
- 2X Prakticar Teleconverter – in very good shape
- screw – on hood
- Carl Zeiss Jena DDR 49mm polarizer filter (M49P)
- ND 4 or 8 filter 49mm (it doesn’t say but it looks dark) (M49)
- Vivitar 49mm UV-Haze filter
- Cable release
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