Where have the 'original" files gone?

While using Album Fetcher it was working great until it came to an image and then stoped. I was downloading the original size but when I checked the image it got stuck on the original image was unavailable. Only a couple of galleries had this problem and it was usually only 1 to 3 photos. The small to large images would show but nothing larger than that.
There is one gallery that I have that is really bad and I haven't got around to fixing it yet. Most of the original files are unavailable even though I always upload the full file size.
The only solution I could come up with was to reupload the original file from my computer. I'm just wondering where the original files have gone?
There is one gallery that I have that is really bad and I haven't got around to fixing it yet. Most of the original files are unavailable even though I always upload the full file size.
The only solution I could come up with was to reupload the original file from my computer. I'm just wondering where the original files have gone?
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Could it be that the max viewable image size is set to XL so the images are showing the max size of either L or XL depending upon whether they were uploaded after SmugMongous was enabled? You can check the gallery customization page to see if originals are enabled or not?
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If you look at the photo info on image 5 it gives dimensions and file size for a full size image but it is not available. Image 4 works the way it is supposed to.
Ok, I just enabled originals and if you try to view it the lightbox comes up but no image is there.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
I can confirm that http://www.cjyphoto.com/gallery/1977715#100765079-O-LB won't load for me. It just sits there forever. Definitely some sort of problem that Smugmug needs to fix for you.
On some others I do see originals.
The mix of L and XL seems like you may have to regenerate Smugmongous. Perhaps the ones that are showing XL were touched in some way recently so they regenerated all sizes - I don't know.
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Yes that is just it. It is random. It has happened in the past before Smugmongous. Album Fetcher used to and now has the option to go for the original. If the original is no longer there it times out and stops. This is how I've found this problem of disappearing originals.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
Also, another point on AlbumFetcher... The "get the next smallest size" feature is only for the guest login mode. When you're the owner, SmugMug gives you all the available sizes, so you can have whatever you want. Unless of course the file is missing.
So, the next release of AF will tell you an image is missing rather than bombing out.
Swim for Them | WellmanHouse.net | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Actually, I should clarify.
- If you're logged in as owner and fetching originals, SmugMug provides the URLs via the API, so AlbumFetcher will go get them.
- If you're logged in as owner and fetching a SmugMungous size (i.e. XL, X2L, or X3L), AF will look for those first and get the next available (i.e. Large) if it's an old gallery that hasn't been SmugMongified.
- If you're logged in a guest and try to fetch an image that isn't there (according to the URLs supplied by the API), AF will fetch the largest size that is available.
Hope that helps.Swim for Them | WellmanHouse.net | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I did run Album Fetcher and requested that it only get the Large sizes and it did get those images it could not get when requesting the original. Which leads me to believe that the originals have vanished. :cry
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
I fixed this one: http://www.cjyphoto.com/gallery/1977715#100765079-O-LB
Please email our help desk with a list of any others, and reference this thread for background please, and we'll sort you out!
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Swim for Them | WellmanHouse.net | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Yes, I've seen the posts as well so I know that there are supposed to be many backups and I know no one at SmugMug wants to lose files. But my question that still has not answered is if the file disappears and if it is backed up why is the backup file not pulled and displayed automatically?
I do have the originals on my own backup drives so it is not that big of a deal. I'm just curious as to what happened to the files. If I didn't have my own backups would the original file be able to be pulled up on one of Smugs many backup systems or would I be out of luck? Just asking.
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The short answer is that our system may not have been aware that the original wasn't being served up. It was still there in perfect condition though.
Oops, Sorry Andy, must have snuck that in the first page before I had a chance to look. Glad to know that the images are still there, somewhere, if needed.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage