Lightroom Expost to SmugMug plugin

I haven't had a chance to mess w/ it yet. But I hope it works the way it says it does. THis way I can export my images to SM and bypass the step of having to delete the exported jpegs from my HD.
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David Parry had a long thread on this a while back.
Jeffery's gone through many iterations and seems to have a fairly stable version now.
Mike Mattix
Tulsa, OK
"There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown
Probably just not using the right keywords.
I did some searching and found that it had to do with an entry in the registry that times it's self out. The LR developers have acknowledged that this is a problem but can't repeat it with consistent results to find the exact problem. There is a work around where you can change your registry but that's not for me.
Hopefully LR will get this fixed. In the mean time I just do one at a time, if I have the time. If not I jump into Nik's Star-explorer and get to work.
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