I Need Help on This! RAW
:dunno i have to many RAW converters installed on my computer and none work right!!! Some seem not to save ( there is no save menue) some seem not to give a full size preview, some I cant even open :scratch . All i want to be able to do is open a 20D RAW adjust WB and Exposure Control, convert it to Jpeg and be able to "save" it where I want. :cry Thats it!! I dont have photoshop so plugins arent for me....
Help me and I love you :lust
Help me and I love you :lust
I use Capture One, and love it. It doesn't have a save command, because what you do is process the image, which produces a TIFF or JPEG.
I've tried the PS RAW conversion, and maybe it's just what I'm used to, but I really dislike the PS RAW converter. Personal preference, I'm sure, as so many are successful with it.
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get the latest version of adobe camera raw, from here, and follow the instructions and voila.
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When you process, the app will process according to your settings. Type (TIFF,JPEG), quality, etc. and to your process folder. So, when you process, you either don't do anything, because you're happy with the result, or you can open it in PS for further tweaking on the JPEG/TIFF file.
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Since 1 week I've got Rawshooter Essentials, a free tool by pixmantec, you can tweak your images:
And save them by a simple push of "Insert" on your keyboard to a specified folder:
It's really easy
Michiel de Brieder