Passwords and Keywords

What is the expected behavior if I give a /keyword/ URL to someone, and there are photos in password protected galleries that match the keyword search?
From my test, when I am logged in, the keyword URL returns 484 photos. When I'm not logged in, I only see 48 (because there are 48 in a gallery that's not password protected). But, even if I go to one of the password protected galleries and enter the password, I still only see 48! This was unexpected. I thought that entering the password would allow photos protected with that password to show up in a keyword search. Maybe that's too complex. The way it works right now, since I had to password protect all of my school galleries, I've broken the ability for parents to search by school, even if the parents have the password.
Is this something that can be made to work as I had expected it to?
Thank you!
From my test, when I am logged in, the keyword URL returns 484 photos. When I'm not logged in, I only see 48 (because there are 48 in a gallery that's not password protected). But, even if I go to one of the password protected galleries and enter the password, I still only see 48! This was unexpected. I thought that entering the password would allow photos protected with that password to show up in a keyword search. Maybe that's too complex. The way it works right now, since I had to password protect all of my school galleries, I've broken the ability for parents to search by school, even if the parents have the password.
Is this something that can be made to work as I had expected it to?
Thank you!
Like you seen already, only you can see the complete search results or keywords.
You might want to look at SmugIslands for other ways to keep your site off of the search engines:
If there are some tricks, I'm sure someone will chime in...
Maybe because I never took the time to read about it! :hide
What I would like is when a password is entered all the keywords in galleries
with that password is appended to the keyword list. Without this it kinda
destroys the family experience. Like all photos KW'ed with grandma.
publicKeywords + PWxxxxxxKeywords = appended list.
xxxxxx is a password.
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