DIFs with 300/2.8 + 2xTC at ISO3200
Don't be afraid to use the higher ISO settings on the current crop of cameras if the need arises.
The light looked even worse this afternoon than it did yesterday. I stepped out on my deck with a light meter and took a reading. Yep, it was. I thought it might be a good opportunity to experiment so I packed up my 1D MkIII mounted with my 300/2.8 and 2xTC and headed to the harbour.
I took a reading before I started shooting. I took another because I didn't believe the first. Then I took a third. All the same. To keep the shutter speed up at 1/1,000 of a second which I consider the absolute minimum for the fast wing beats of a duck I found I had to set my aperture wide open at f/5.6 and the ISO set to 3,200. And this was at mid-afternoon. I really struggle to get sharp images handholding the 300 with the 2xTC and probably should have brought my 1.4xTC instead. However, I used what I brought.
I think the resulting images may not be the cleanest or sharpest, but would certainly be usable. There is some noise showing but let me stress that these images were NOT run through any noise reduction except for the one image where indicated. They are as shot except for some light sharpening.

1a. This is a version of the first image with a slight noise reduction treatment





You have to love the current crop of cameras out there.
Thanks for looking.
The light looked even worse this afternoon than it did yesterday. I stepped out on my deck with a light meter and took a reading. Yep, it was. I thought it might be a good opportunity to experiment so I packed up my 1D MkIII mounted with my 300/2.8 and 2xTC and headed to the harbour.
I took a reading before I started shooting. I took another because I didn't believe the first. Then I took a third. All the same. To keep the shutter speed up at 1/1,000 of a second which I consider the absolute minimum for the fast wing beats of a duck I found I had to set my aperture wide open at f/5.6 and the ISO set to 3,200. And this was at mid-afternoon. I really struggle to get sharp images handholding the 300 with the 2xTC and probably should have brought my 1.4xTC instead. However, I used what I brought.
I think the resulting images may not be the cleanest or sharpest, but would certainly be usable. There is some noise showing but let me stress that these images were NOT run through any noise reduction except for the one image where indicated. They are as shot except for some light sharpening.

1a. This is a version of the first image with a slight noise reduction treatment





You have to love the current crop of cameras out there.
Thanks for looking.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff

I have to agree with you. I shot some basketball @ 3200 with my nikon d300 & was surprised.
Canon and Nikon were good enough to give it to us, we may as well use it when needed.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Uh, Harry... it's not Dave. It's Harv and it's with the Canon 1D MkIII.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
I actually let Nikon shooters on the boat. They just have to sit in the way back by the motor and fumes.
"Osprey Whisperer"
Sorry Harv,
Not one of my better days. I have 50+ shooters coming down here in 3 days for MI V and I've been a distracted.
The ISO performance was so good I just naturally figured it had to be a Nikon. :lol4
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks, Mike. Naw, I'm not jumping ship. Neither is Mao. He just owns both systems now. He likes his toys. I'd still make him sit at the back of the boat though.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
No sweat, Harry. I figured you read Dave's post just ahead of yours and that implanted his name on your brain. It takes a lot more than that to upset me, like being made to sit at the back of Mike's boat. I actually think both Canon and Nikon have made huge strides in the control of noise at high ISO settings.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
Thanks Harv, I usually make an ass out of myself once a day and I was getting worried because time was running out on me for today. :ivar
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
I was pretty impressed myself, Stephen. I didn't expect the results to be as good but I'm sure happy they were. I won't hesitate now to dial up the ISO when needed.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff