SF4 - Is this better than current entry?
Not sure, may have gone too far round the bend on this one ... been looking at it too long to have any objectivity.
Is this better than what I've already entered, or just a good idea (or not)?

Current entry:
Is this better than what I've already entered, or just a good idea (or not)?

Current entry:

Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
I always like a good no nonsense answer ... are u sure ;-))
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
A photo should hold you. this photo "going to work" is so apt. you don't even to read the title to sense "commute".
A powerful photo need not be artistic or beautiful. Sometimes simplicity works best.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Good luck,
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Best of luck,
I appreciate all the comments ... and geesh Pyro, push me will ya! ;-))
Someone's gotta do it... plus i wanna see some more good photos
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
The silhouette also is a striking photo. Without the title I wouldn't have guessed "commute," but a sort of desperatation, like a group of homeless milling around in the morning cold as part of a documentary or something... The details leave a lot to the imagination....
Your choice, and good luck!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
make some time
I got an interesting idea as well, but i'll prolly save it for final if I qualify *crosses fingers*
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
By the way, I also prefer the face!
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
No problem
I don't know but have always assumed the final would be themeless like the semis ... i can't imagine it otherwise but that would be quite a curve ball if i'm wrong. We'll know soon.
I was impressed by the commuters entry when I first saw it, and recognised connections in it to some things I saw a long time ago in books, can't be more specific at the moment. So, while it does have impact, especially the no-compromise negative space, it might not be wholly an original idea.
The face in the window is also not wholly original, I think, I am again getting reverberations with that. It's not an uncommon way to isolate an element in a frame and create mystery-impersonality, and set up a curious vibe with the viewer about who is observing whom. It shares these kinds of effects with the use of reflections of faces back to the viewer in a window or mirror.
The face does have some distinctive qualities, for all that. The way it emerges from the condensation, the brutal curtailment of the face area with black, the art media texture and coloration. For positive and negative, I feel. To me the face seems a little "forced" by the pp to get through the window. All the negative space has a net result of denying a story to the face, and the droplets are not independent enough from the face to have their own life in the image.
So, for me, there are hits and misses.
I DO like the way you are exploring, and especially wanting to get the edges of a shot working integrally with its internal contents. Both these images are very strong that way.
Thanks for your offerings.
The new unmentioned idea I had will take some significant work, yet not seem too contrived (hopefully), so I'll save it for the grand finale. And I'm still working on other options for the semi ... i never relax
Your comments on the image itself are well received and things I struggle with myself, hence this post. Given it's somewhat mixed reception the message seems to be from viewers ... best of the lot, almost, not quite ... still, it's an almost impressionistic image that morphs with the distance from which viewed ... i may start over and work on it some more.
As to originality, I do understand what you are saying ... but for both of these images, and frankly every image ever posted in LPS, i could likely come up with similarities to famous photographers or photographs if given long enough ... i.e., there is really nothing wholly original, only the individual interpretation by a given photographer at the given time and circumstance with (hopefully) nuances of personal style. This could be a verrrrry long discussion/debate, and has been ad naseum on may forums, but for me my basic tests for an image are ... Does it work, is it fresh (or fresh enough), and best of all, "does it say something" (and this does not have to be literal, it can simply evoke an emotion)? This may be why i've shied away from hyperfocal landscapes recently ... they were a good break, a new excercise, an excellent exploration of form and composition and I like to think the best of my landscapes evoked an otherworldy, alien feel, a "style" worth further exploration in the future in the broader context of storytelling, but landscapes by themselves become a bit boring and ... meaningless, for me. I run the risk here of offense not intended ... subject matter is all about what gets you going ... personally, i'm still exploring but certainly coming back around to my photojournalistic roots ... with new twists.
In the end i'd say that lots of folks like to say photography is all about light, and this is true as far as it goes, but really in the broadest sense photography is all about life ... which of course has run far afield from the question of originality, perhaps.
Hmmm, need to shutup now .... thanks again, love to think ... too much.
I DO find some distinctive-"original" things IN some particulars of these shots, even if they on a global level have been done before.
The strong PJ values is one, the deliberate composing with negative space, the relating of the image periphery with the elements within, are others. The tensions these things are creating are somewhat new, as might be their application to your particular favored subject matter. They might not yet be at a mature stage of development.
I suspect you will have to go in the direction of more abstraction to get all this to gel and work. So if I were to suggest what might possibly be a useful exercise for you I would say compose some still life (ie no people or places) and carry it across the border into abstraction.
Can you relate to that?
Not really, a little too old camera club for me ... but I do appreciate the discussion and critique, it's been thought provoking.
Haha, sorry.
You are obviously a man of independent action!
But, you know, if you are chasing something, you might have to let it take you into territory not of your choosing? You drag it back then to your camp.
Try this thought experiment: what if the people in your commuters pic were traffic cones... What would you do with the negative space, the peripheries, the form and color composition, so it could be read by a viewer not as a documentary but as a visual experience in formal terms?
It's like the technical knowledge that you have about your camera and photography is the skeleton of your craft. So, growing a formal compositional substructure is necessary to solve the problems/meet the challenges of the desired subjects your camera shoots, including originality/unoriginality.
I've been following your posts in other threads, and there was one with the high heels hanging off the of a seat that I found incredibly brilliant. Simple and wonderful story. Not sure if that was shot within the contest timeframe, but it really stood out to me in your ferry series.
Loving what you're exploring, at any rate.
I would like (Personal opinion) to see just a little more depth in the eyes, to bring that composition into a "In Your Face" look. To me, an intenseness in the eyes would make it pop more...(I have a thing about eyes and lips..lol)
Very nice composition. Hey is that person related to Mona Lisa?? Seriously the colors used in that composition, remind me of that era, Did you use a Melancholoytron effect on this??
I like your silohuette comp. but just feel like there are so many elements involved that it makes the composition a bit too busy, not organized...(if this makes sense).
Good luck and best wishes!
I was rather disappointed in the ferry entry and like the face much better.