Waiting for the Bell
There is a really sweet mom whose little girl goes to school with my son. When it is raining, she will wait by the car so I do not have to take the baby (3 months old) out while I walk my son to class. To thank her, I took some pictures of her youngest the other day while we were waiting for the kids to get out of class. (under the guise of testing my camera settings) I would like to thank her by printing one up and framing it. Out of 20 shots taken, I have narrowed it down to these. Would love opinions on which to choose.
**Taking the moments one shot at a time**
~Working with my Nikon D80~
<My dream is to be the kind of mother, my kids already think I am>
At the top of the picture, maybe you could crop it a little lower to remove that littel band of dirt (brown area) in the middle
The lads right cheek (as you look at the picture) and his chest are a little white, could you tweak the picture to bring a bit of flesh colour back??
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What a nice gift this will make!
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