In Search of 4Labs' Owl
4Labs posted a great image the other day of a snowy owl that made me somewhat jealous for I never was able to see a owl -and to top it off the Owl was from the Bronx Zoo ( My backyard). So off I went and low and behold its in a section called "Birds of Prey" ( I never knew this ection even existed ) So 4Labs Thank you!!!!
Now this isnt the best image I took but - here's the thing. I used a 20 D with -2/3 EC and the histogram is anything but near the right .... So... Why should I have to be dealing with what appears to me as blown out feathers on the top of his snowy white head :dunno ??
Now this isnt the best image I took but - here's the thing. I used a 20 D with -2/3 EC and the histogram is anything but near the right .... So... Why should I have to be dealing with what appears to me as blown out feathers on the top of his snowy white head :dunno ??

The head isn't blown out too badly. A few things you may want to try next time. Chimp your shot in the LCD and press the info button til it highlights (blinking) the over exposed areas. Sometimes this is easier to see than trying to look for a small spike at +255 on the histogram. With all the darker tones in this pic, I'm thinking at first glance the histo would look fine. Except for that fine line trailing off to the right. -2/3 EV Comp is a good starting point for white birds, but depending on the light you may have to go even higher. Sometimes on well lit Egrets/Gulls I've had to go as high as -1 1/3 EV Comp. Lastly, shoot white birds using RAW. This gives you way more post processing latitude then jpg. You can bring back much of the detail lost, due to OE, very easily.
Still, I think you did a very good job with a very difficult to expose subject
What Steve said
Also I you were using a Nikon you wouldn't be having this problem. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
However, I have developed a sensitive skin on this area. Andy and people roam around waiting to tell you what is blown. I think they have a meter or a bell that goes off when I post anything remotely blown.
So last time I took photos of birds, it was nasty out, grey, windy, very little water, the only birds were at a distance. An assortment of types with a few egrets. I thought I will put this EC thing at almost -2 and no way will anything be blown. The damn egrets were blown a bit. The herons were fine. The pictures sucked in general.
I thought about why those birds could possibly be blown, the background. You have woods, I had a grey crummy marsh all around my tiny birds. So that is what the meter read. (I didn't even look at the histogram, I forget, gotta remember that, but I think I had the EC so low, the camera wouldn't have gone lower.)
I love that owl. I have never seen one outside of a zoo, and I don't think I have ever seen one cuter than yours with the little feet, expression and all.
ginger (I want to pet his little white head, and he would probably bite me)