Wrong Permissions - What Does That Mean?

I received an email from a customer complaining that they were unable to order all the prints that they wanted. She said when they tried to add some (not all) photos to the shopping cart, the qty would not change from zero and they saw "Error on Page" in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window. One of the photos they had a problem with was this one.
I was able to duplicate the problem, but not all the time. I don't think it is related to a specific photo though as she noticed the problem with at least 5 different pictures.
While researching this, another problem came up. I no longer see the photo displayed on the left when a quantity is selected. All I see is "Wrong Permissions" in the upper left corner. Photos can be added to the cart and will display there, but not on the size selection screen. I tried this on Firefox and IE7 on two different computers with the same result.
I was able to duplicate the problem, but not all the time. I don't think it is related to a specific photo though as she noticed the problem with at least 5 different pictures.
While researching this, another problem came up. I no longer see the photo displayed on the left when a quantity is selected. All I see is "Wrong Permissions" in the upper left corner. Photos can be added to the cart and will display there, but not on the size selection screen. I tried this on Firefox and IE7 on two different computers with the same result.

Hang tight Ed, we're investigating
The "Wrong Permissions" problem is fixed. Thanks for the prompt response. Did you also discover why my customer was unable to add photos to the shopping cart? I have tried to duplicate the problem and can't get the error to come back, although I did see it last night when testing.
High Desert Racing Photography
The time stamp on the order that was experiencing problems is 11:29:41 yesterday. She emailed me at some point after that, but I can't get to that email right now to say exactly when. I don't know if those time stamps have been adjusted to display my local time or EST. In any case, it could have been right around the time it was fixed that I was testing.
High Desert Racing Photography
While testing my site (tobeframed.smugmug.com) it is giving the "wrong permissions" error when I attempt to purchase a photo from within Firefox. Not all photos are doing this, its 50/50. Works fine in Safari. Any ideas why?
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Sorry Andy, I was away for a few weeks, and didn't see that you had replied. I got frustrated with my nav bar not working properly and decided to re-write the nav bar code. That seems to have cleared up the "wrong permissions" error. I can only assume it was something in the nav bar html that was causing this.