
Using SmugMugAPI and copyrights

PawelrPawelr Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
Hi there,
How are you?

I'd like to write web-based software to connect the English word or phrase with the pictures stored at SmugMug. (The website will have more than this association but I want to start with it). I know I can use SmugMugAPI to connect and present pictures shown at SmugMug on my website and I know I could use something like tags to get association between English word and pictures.

Now, I have questions about copyrights:

1. Am I allowed to show all public SmugMug pictures or maybe just these marked with special copyrights (ex.: Creative Commons)?

2. Do I need to put a special caption containing the author's name (with a possible link to his SmugMug profile) and copyrights information?

3. Is there any way to check with API that photos are available so I could make my website behave differently if they're unavailable?

4. Is there any limit put on connecting to SmugMug photos via exposed API?

Looking forward to the answers.

Paweł Radecki
m: +48 695 34-64-76
e: pawel.j.radecki@gmail.com
w: http://radeckimarch.blogspot.com/
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