Royal Scots Dragoon Guard
So, the Royal Scots Dragoon Guard, The Band of the Coldstream Guard, Pipes and Drums and Highland Dancers all performed at the Auditorium here. And I got to photograph. It was probably one of the best performances I've seen in the Auditorium
I love bagpipes
And I know the last photo is not the most technically superior, because the background is obviously blown out. But I was unable to get the 2 service men sharp without overexposing the background. And when I saw service men around the Auditorium standing during the tribute to American military, I wanted that shot. I think it says a lot, even though it may not be the best in precision. I had to think quick when I saw that (not to mention I could have gotten kicked out of the Auditorium had they seen me do it ) I didn't have enough time to play with the settings so I got what I could in the time I had. I think it's my favorite of the bunch. It's that shot that says everything without needing a background (because unlike my advisor who told me he didn't see "2 servicemen", that's EXACTLY what I see. 2 coats cut to fit, at attention, with an American flag in the background)
Let me know what you guys think.
I love bagpipes
And I know the last photo is not the most technically superior, because the background is obviously blown out. But I was unable to get the 2 service men sharp without overexposing the background. And when I saw service men around the Auditorium standing during the tribute to American military, I wanted that shot. I think it says a lot, even though it may not be the best in precision. I had to think quick when I saw that (not to mention I could have gotten kicked out of the Auditorium had they seen me do it ) I didn't have enough time to play with the settings so I got what I could in the time I had. I think it's my favorite of the bunch. It's that shot that says everything without needing a background (because unlike my advisor who told me he didn't see "2 servicemen", that's EXACTLY what I see. 2 coats cut to fit, at attention, with an American flag in the background)
Let me know what you guys think.
Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici
I love the reflection in the bass drum facing.
You just had to be there to see the lighting on the flags behind the band to appreciate how red/magenta it really was, in your sixth frame. You handled that well. It is too magenta here but that was exactly how it looked to me at the time too.
And how much contrast there was between the colonial soldier and the rest of the band in your second frame. You handled that well also. The lighting contrast was even too much for the human eye, let alone a camera sensor. I think the lighting director did not do a great job there personally, but maybe that was the effect they were wanting.
Was your last shot of the soldiers standing captured in RAW? If it was, you might try to create two separate exposures in RAW conversion - one for the silhouettes, and one for the stage to prevent its overexposure, and then blend them in Photoshop with a mask. The over-exposed areas confuse my eye about that shot some. I understand it because I was there and saw it also, but as a stand alone frame it will be hard for other folks to appreciate I suspect.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I had a blast They're definitley good enough for a front page centerpiece. I had a bunch of other photos I liked, but these were my fave