SF4 - And Cue Crisis of Doubt...

This happens every time. Every time, dang it! I swear taking pictures is just another form of self-flagellation sometimes. :rolleyes
I feel pretty strongly about my current entry, but, well, it's weird. I can freely admit this--it's a friggin' weird concept. This can be good or bad, it just depends on who's looking at it. (Me? I love it. But I'm weird, so I may be a bit biased.
) I worry that the story won't invite enough people in, that it'll turn more away because of it's weirdness.
So I shot something else yesterday for pure fun, and I wonder if the more approachable story makes it a stronger competitor. Of course, these shots are extremely different. (Some day I may develop a consistent "style," but I think I'm too much a spaz for that to truly happen.)
I started debating this since last night, and I figure some other opinions couldn't hurt.
Current Entry: Unplugged

Potential Contender: Pop!

Pros and cons as I've been considering them:
- Pro: Current entry is unique, Con: But is it cliché?
- Pro: Current entry is weird and the last SF finalists were also weird (good weird--I consider all weird "good"), Con: Current entry is weird (too weird?)
- Pro: Contender has humor, Con: It is very similar to my last SF entry, which did not progress any further
Your thoughts?
As always, thanks for stopping by! :thumb
I feel pretty strongly about my current entry, but, well, it's weird. I can freely admit this--it's a friggin' weird concept. This can be good or bad, it just depends on who's looking at it. (Me? I love it. But I'm weird, so I may be a bit biased.

So I shot something else yesterday for pure fun, and I wonder if the more approachable story makes it a stronger competitor. Of course, these shots are extremely different. (Some day I may develop a consistent "style," but I think I'm too much a spaz for that to truly happen.)
I started debating this since last night, and I figure some other opinions couldn't hurt.
Current Entry: Unplugged

Potential Contender: Pop!

Pros and cons as I've been considering them:
- Pro: Current entry is unique, Con: But is it cliché?
- Pro: Current entry is weird and the last SF finalists were also weird (good weird--I consider all weird "good"), Con: Current entry is weird (too weird?)
- Pro: Contender has humor, Con: It is very similar to my last SF entry, which did not progress any further
Your thoughts?
As always, thanks for stopping by! :thumb
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pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Grittier, eh? Hm... My mind immediately thinks of "noise" when you say that. Is that what you had in mind?
but that's just me.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Hm..I'll give it a go and see how it looks.
If I could change one thing, it would be the 'unplugged' cord. The end of the cord just doesn't stand out from the wall. The unplugged concept could be just as strong with the cord on the floor, or more lined up in front of the light colored outlet.
Just a small nitpick, the photo is really good as-is.
Nikon D300
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8
Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
Nikon 50mm f/1.8D
[SIZE=-3]Mary Beth Glasmann Photography[/SIZE]
Thanks, Beth! And I think I cap the market on weird. After all, I did imagine this up.
And thank you for the note about the plug. It's the one part of the photo I keep on tweaking, so it's good to know it isn't just my anal eye picking up on it. I shall continue to tweak.
PS: anyhow the noise and the grunge don't have to be both in there. Try both or either and see =c).
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Awesome visual, neh? What kind of photograph would that make...? :giggle
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
I like both your shots...but I agree about the button...
and the only thing that grabs me about your current entry is the position of the "plug"...wouldn't it seem more natural if it were hanging out of the socket...i.e. "Unplugged"?? But I do like the creativeness of it.
I also prefer "unplugged" and I know you've discussed the plug not standing out from the wall enough previously, but what bothers me about it is that it "glows" because you have appeared to lighten it to make it stand out from the wall, so now there's an orb around it. You should try lightening up more of the wall so it doesn't look like theres a dodged circle there. Unless thats what you were going for... then just ignore my comment
Merriswheel, thank you for your good eye! I actually had a flashlight pointed at the plug to "spot" it and make it glow, but I deadened the effect in post. I brightened it back up again today after a couple of the previous comments. I don't think I'm going to make everyone happy on that plug, and it's now officially driving me batty.
Maybe I'll have some fresh eyes tomorrow and get something closer to acceptable on that stubborn plug.