- fax authorization

I'm not sure if this question even belongs here, but I cannot find any info on the web. I registered my domain with yesterday and I received an e-mail asking for a fax authorization. They want a copy of my credit card, with signature, faxed to Germany. I'm sure you can understand my hesitation. Any thoughts, experience?
I used joker to register my domain name, and I've been very happy with them. That being said, I don't recall being asked for a credit card fax or anything of the sort. This is pure conjecture on my part, but maybe something in your bank's records (zip code etc.) doesn't match what you gave to joker and that is causing the transaction to be flagged? I took a look on Joker's website and they have two fax numbers listed. If the fax number you were asked to send to is either of these I would be more comfortable with the process than if it is an unknown fax number. I've included the contact information from joker's website below:
Thanks Travis. I looked into it further. Because I used a platinum AMEX card and not Visa or M/C, they ask for further verification. A bit of a hassle, but nice that they take extreme measures for security (especially considering I have no spending limit on that piece of plastic!).