Feature Query

Wondering if i could solicit some opinions on a feature we are considering.
Just as a background, NitroDesk (www.nitrodek.com) gives a user the ability to view multiple albums from different online photo sites in a single Desktop experience, also allowing for inter-service photo transfers and background uploading and Picasa Integration.
We are considering a feature by which a user can visualize a single timeline of ALL the photos (s)he has uploaded to all the sites (including smugmug).
Would you consider this a useful feature?
Just as a background, NitroDesk (www.nitrodek.com) gives a user the ability to view multiple albums from different online photo sites in a single Desktop experience, also allowing for inter-service photo transfers and background uploading and Picasa Integration.
We are considering a feature by which a user can visualize a single timeline of ALL the photos (s)he has uploaded to all the sites (including smugmug).
Would you consider this a useful feature?
Would a unified timeline be useful ? 2 votes
I do like the timeline feature in Picasa.
Speaking of Picasa -- it's tough to compete with free. As stated previously, inter-service photo transfers is an interesting idea, but I believe that there is a potential market here at SmugMug (and I guess Flickr) for strong album and photo *management*, not just uploading.
I think that's where you can differentiate yourself since Picasa is really tied to Google Web Albums.
Photo management is currently Priority 1 for us, especially the features you requested.. While we are limited by the API support from different sites for this, we think we can solve it to a great extent.
Stay tuned..
and have a nice weekend..
A better way to manage your Online Photos