challenge 34.

so this is what im using for my challenge picture. i like it, i dont think its better than anything else arround here but honestly does anyone really care if they win the challenge? i dont, i could care less, all im here for is to learn how to take better pictures and how to get the most out of the crappy ones i do take. i think ive got decent ideas for my shots, but dont have the skill to make them work and thats why im here. so to all of you that get stressed or have problems with this or another challenge, dont worry-be happy. be happy that you are here and able to learn more about your hobby, be happy that you can step out of your normal shooting mode. but most of all realize that its not serious, this isnt life and death. if you arent sure what you want to do, then take some shots until you are on a track. the best advice i ever received for my writing is, just write. i was told that sometimes we get so worked up and blocked about what to write that we forget to write, so just get a page and start working. thats what i do with my shots if i dont have anything in mind. i offer you that advice as its the best ive got.
I can only hope to progress to the point of one day being a second rate photographer, wish me luck.
nice words CB, and I didn't know you were a writer! lol, well I guess that's one more thing we have in common. I like to claim I'm a writer since I paid thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that says BA in English but oh well. :lol4
I love your entry. You've taken a creative interpretation and stepped up to the plate on what I consider a very difficult challenge indeed.
...maybe after you get off your soap box you can use it for your next subject!!
yes i wsa thining of lusting after my soapbox. or perhaps raging it.
thanks tanna, youre the one that talked me in to entereing in the first place. im not here to win a challenge just to get better at photography.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Oh get a room!
(hi DF)
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
we are more of a PDA couple... :feelgood
(hi Angelo)