Discount or coupons in for professional accounts?
I'm starting on Power User and will upgrade to Professional as soon as I can, but I was wondering, is there a way to give a discount or credit coupon to clients? I was planning on setting up my pricing structure for allowing a certain amount of the creative fees to be applied to print purchases. Does the professional version allow this? Or to set up say, monthly promotions for discounts using codes?
I have been wondering the same thing.
Any info would be appreciated!
Smugmug currently does not support discounts or coupons. This is something that has been requested by many pros in the feature request thread, but it is Smugmug policy not to talk about what they are working on - so you will need to hold tight.
Want to save $5 on a smugmug account? Use this coupon code: WzG2eZLQPGrqI
I would really like to see this offered. Many of my customers have been puzzled with a print combination of many of my offerings. In order to simplify, I'd like to simply give them a coupon good for a credit of "x" dollars. If Smugmug had to charge me for the cost of prints, that's OK, because I already have the money from my gig. I'd even be willing to set up a credit balance, or pull it from funds I already have credited from my sales.
Not quite as good, but still helpful, would be a "percentage-off" coupon that could either be set for a one-time use, a date-range, or open-ended.
It would also be nice if the coupon could be good for all my photos, or only a specific gallery.
I know this can get complicated, but it would help me drive my prints through the site.
Anyway, my thoughts....
I am sure Smugmug is working on it and I am waiting too...but in the meantime take a look at this thread where, with a little extra work, you can set it up for yourself.
blog -
I'm working on a shopping cart for SM now; if/when I'm allowed to release it, I will.. But, it'll never be as nice as a fully integrated SM system. Besides, I don't WANT to do self-fulfillment. I'm more than happy to let SM and EZPrints do all my printing and shipping. And, of course with Google or even PayPal, there is a manual step involved. I'm trying to make it EASY to do with google/PayPal, but, SM is still the easiest.
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
This option would be a HUGE advantage to a lot of photgraphers. I know I am speaking for many of my colleagues as well. In fact, that's one of the major points we look for in an online service - the option to offer discounts and coupons.
Since our business is highly competetive, one of the major marketing tools we have is the promotion of free prints or discounts. I'd definitely like to see this set up in the Smugmug galleries - it woud compliment an already fine service.
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Canon user since 1984 • Photoshop user since 1991
1D Mk IIn • 24-70 f/2.8L • 70-200 f/2.8L • 300 f/2.8L
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
When did they give power accounts custom domains and right click protection? I sure missed when that happened.
But yeah I took would agree that coupons would be a great icing to the cake to allow us that extra bit of "pro coolness" as I like to think of it as.
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Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Bobby Earle
Come with on the Raddest Photo Trip Ever!!!
Well at least it was only a few days ago and not months ago, I would feel really out of it had I missed it for a longer period of time...
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