Disappearing most popular section

my most popular section has disappered off my home page - it happened a few days ago but I thought it would return of its own accord but it hasnt
Sorry, you don't have any rated photos
I thumbs up one and it didn't show either. Look in your
control panel under the homepage tab and click show.
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Hi Allen, it's not there under the homeepage in the control panel -, but it does show 'most popular photos' on my actaul homepage it says I don't have any yet- but I know lots are ranked, they were there before, photorank is clicked 'yes' in the customize galley page (in landscapes) and I too have ranked one.. nothing
re: http://digital-finger.smugmug.com/popular/
"Sorry, you don't have any rated photos" -and that is the thing I DO have rated photos
from my home page
More on SmugIslands, here: http://www.smugmug.com/help/private-search-island
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aah thanks for the explanation Andy
I didnt realsie what they were I just thought to click 'no as I didnt want whatever it was ( without reaearching it)
I just read that link and now am very confused, because it lists 4 options but I see only two buttons to click
"Yes: The default option, perfect for people who seek fame.
Your name only: This is the "don't thwart your grandma" option. She can still search for your name on any SmugMug page to find you, but your photos won't show up in searches and won't land on our popular photos page.
No: Other SmugMug pages will pretend they don't know you. But on your SmugMug pages, visitors will be able to use the search box, keywords, etc., to find your photos (like they can in option two, above).
Lock down: You'll be invisible on other SmugMug pages besides your own, and your visitors will not be able to use keywords or searches on your SmugMug pages (but you'll be able to).
I will have to come back and read this again very very slowly I just don't get it
I'm sorry for your troubles. It looks like your galleries are set to 'hello smuggers' = no. This will render the thumbs not working as the popular feature is bound to the global popular photos as well. I've changed the hello smuggers setting on one of your featured gallery (http://digital-finger.smugmug.com/gallery/1561979) and the populars from it are visible now:
I hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
thanks SEbastian, so I just click all the 'Hello Smuggers' buttons to 'yes' and I'll get the popular photos back - cool
I didn't know what those new things were so I just clicked 'no' on them - thinking 'I don't want it as I don't know what it is' ..-oops!
I actaully just did it without realising the ramifications as I had to chnage settings in all galleries to remove the camera info which I decided I didn't want there - groogh - what a headache
Nevermind- I think I have got it now
But- setting it in the home page control panel doesn't change it in the customize gallery settings?
I just set yes to hello smuggers in the control panel on te homepage but nothings change in the galleries set to =no
So presumab;ly that only aplies to new galleries as they are created?
Like we say on that help page, the control panel setting is for your site as a whole. Gallery settings will override.
So, if you have "Hello Smuggers" set to "No" for your whole site via control panel, and then "Yes" for a gallery, that gallery will be "yes."
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thanks Andy - any way to reset all the galleries withoutgoing through them one at a time?
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Yes, I now we've recommended this to you many times and yes, I know you've resisted. I don't know why though
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well I'll tell you the reason: none of those controls in your screenshot showed up when I tried to use it! I right clicked just about everywhee and I couldn't make much happen - so I gave up!
I'll have another look by all means..... watch this space..
OOOH! I thay, thomethings happening, this time thngs do come up just like your pic when I right click..:D
superdooper - Ill give it a drive..
Sussed it - it was folly on my part- I clicked on the folder and chose 'properties and got next to nothin g- I didnt realsie that if you clicked on the individual galleries and chose properties you got something different
just discovered bulk update - I was scard to click on it before in case it started bulk updating my photos - ach I had the wrong idea there too!
get it each time I try the bulk update thing.....
Hmm done three galleries - better stop and wait until I get your reply as I might be doing something dreadful to my galleries
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OK sorry