Smugmug Uploader ver. 1.0 Problems
I've been having problems using my Smugmug uploader version 1.0. This is the old version which uploads the entire contents of a iPhoto folder to a smugmug gallery of the same name.
The uploader is asking em to login, something it has never done in the past. And then promptly gives a login failure after I enter my info. Yes I am entering the correect login info. So the result I can't upload anything with it leaving me with old faithful as my only option, which sucks for loading lot's of photos in one batch.
I am using Mac 10.2.8. I know it's older but I like it just fine and don't plan on upgrading anytime soon.
Any ideas and what has happened?
The uploader is asking em to login, something it has never done in the past. And then promptly gives a login failure after I enter my info. Yes I am entering the correect login info. So the result I can't upload anything with it leaving me with old faithful as my only option, which sucks for loading lot's of photos in one batch.
I am using Mac 10.2.8. I know it's older but I like it just fine and don't plan on upgrading anytime soon.
Any ideas and what has happened?
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I tried and it doesn't want to launch. I assumed it was due to an incompatible OS.
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as I stated in my first post, Mac OS10.2.8
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The new uploader will not work with your version of OSX. Currently, it requires 10.4 or above. I do believe we are working on making it compatible with 10.3.9, but doubt it will work with 10.2.8 ever.
Your best bet is try one of the other uploaders. There are two that will work fine for you - The Simple Uploader and Drag & Drop. The older Mac uploader won't work at this point for you.
No need to use Olde Faithful! Try the Simple uploader. You can drop an entire folder of images on it. No need to do one by one. The Drag & Drop will also work like this.
Let us know if you have any problems.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
So the original Smugmug Uploader, version 1.0 I've been using for years no longer works with the Smugmug system?
When was the last time that it worked fine for you? I checked with our developer, and he says it may or may not still work. What you can try is delete the old preference file and the application itself and then download it again.
You could also give this version a try:
I'm not sure if that one will work for you or not, but you can sure try. I have a feeling it will want you to update to the newer version, which is not supported in 10.2.8.
Give the Simple or Drag&Drop uploader a try. I think you will find they work fine
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
The last time I used the Uploader ver 1.0 was in August "07 and it worked fine then. Where do I find the Smugmug Uploader Preference file? I've looked in Library > Preferences, not there.
I guess I'll just use the new Simple drag and drop. At least I won't have to go through the first step of loading them into iPhoto, which I've never liked using. But it is disconcerting when software you've used suddenly no longer works.
Do you have anything that uploads directly from Photo Mechanic like PhotoShelter does?
The pref file is called com.smugmug.uploader.plist. It is typically located in your home folder - library - preferences.
I'm not familiar with Photo Mechanic, and do not believe we have anything that works with that.
You could also try PictureSync (I haven't checked real close what the OS requirements are):
I know it is disconcerting for you, and for that I apologize. At some point, we have to make the determination how far back we can support older OS versions. I will be sure to pass along your concerns.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help