First commercial sale and published print!

I managed my first commercial sale of one of my pics! The pic showed up as a full-page color advertisement in a local publication. Woo-hoo!! I was stoked! Here's the ad.

And here's the original pic.

Just wanted to share my excitement!

And here's the original pic.

Just wanted to share my excitement!

Olympus E510 and Gigapan mount
Great shot. Now get busy marketing yourself using it.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Did they find you or did you approach them?
Kindof a mix of both. I put together this photo while shooting a special event at the venue. The venue was under new ownership, and had newly opened. The event was a grand opening that was being sponsored by a networking web site. (A friend of mine runs the website, and I had been doing some periodic photography of their events in exchange for free marketing on their website). But, while I was there, I decided to capture an image that the venue owners might like. After the event I emailed my friend at the websire and informed them the photos were online on my smugmug site. I cc'd the venue owner.
Several weeks later the owner contacted me out of the blue. He had a pressing need for the photo, and asked me how much for a commercial license. Of course, I had no idea what to charge. I maganed to delay long enough to do some quick research and figure out how much I was going to change him. (I told him I was "in the middle of something and would get right back to him"
Anyway, long story short, the owners easily agreed to my price (makes me wonder if I didn't charge enough!!), and the photo showed up a few weeks later.
Phil Collum Photography
San Diego, CA, USA
Equipment list in my profile
Phil Collum Photography
San Diego, CA, USA
Equipment list in my profile