Provide an easy way to subscribe to RSS feeds of "interesting" photographers
It would be nice to be able to subscribe to an RSS feed of "interesting" photographers in Smugmug, and be able to browse recent photos of the combined group of subscribed photographers as they come in.
This could be like a very lightweight version of the Flickr contact system, without the need to expose the list of photographers someone subscribes to.
While this can clearly be done with the present RSS system, it involves a lot of clicking and is a bit of an inconvience -- plus a system that relies on an external RSS reader can't take advantage of the superior smugmug browsing experience.
This could be like a very lightweight version of the Flickr contact system, without the need to expose the list of photographers someone subscribes to.
While this can clearly be done with the present RSS system, it involves a lot of clicking and is a bit of an inconvience -- plus a system that relies on an external RSS reader can't take advantage of the superior smugmug browsing experience.
I'll see that this gets added to our feature request list.
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