JPEG Quality in Detailed Info?
Sorry, I'm a noob.
1) what does "3/13" JPEG Quality under Detailed Info mean?
2) if I import a .jpg from my Canon P&S into PS Elements, turn it into a .psd file, edit it, save edited version as another .psd file, then save 2 different .jpg versions (each one saved from the edited .psd file -- one as Low-3 148k, the other as 12-Maximum 1.9MB) come they both say "3/13" as described in #1 above?!
Sorry -- very confused by this.
Thanks for any help in explaining this to me...
1) what does "3/13" JPEG Quality under Detailed Info mean?
2) if I import a .jpg from my Canon P&S into PS Elements, turn it into a .psd file, edit it, save edited version as another .psd file, then save 2 different .jpg versions (each one saved from the edited .psd file -- one as Low-3 148k, the other as 12-Maximum 1.9MB) come they both say "3/13" as described in #1 above?!
Sorry -- very confused by this.
Thanks for any help in explaining this to me...
That info probably has been recorded by your camera and it won't be affected by the quality you save the photos from within Photoshop Elements.
Have a look at your camera settings and try taking photos at different quality options that you may have within the camera settings. They should influence this meta data shown in SmugMug.
It would be helpful if you could post a direct link to a photo on your site that has this data attached to it.
SmugMug Support Hero
Compare some jpgs, taken at different quality settings, set in your camera. Look at the exif for each.
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