The noise and so is ment to be...I even added some.
Getting bored of all these perfect photos. Sometimes you just don´t see the creativity going on, just if it´s sharp and noisefree...
Do you get my point and what im trying to do here?:)
Think you misinterpreted my comment. I know what you were trying to do here - just pointing out what I feel you could have done better.
I like the noise and everything about the image- except for the top left corner.
The first smudge along the cord is a big issue. Doesn't make any logical sense why that would be there- obvious PP- and really ruins the excellent shadow you have going along the cord.
In the top corner the cord becomes fat and flat and the dark gray in the corner - again - obvious PP -nothing to cast a shadow at the angle of the light- and draws to much attention away from the subject.
Noise is great- breaking the rules is great- lots of photoshop can be great- but in this case I feel the areas I pointed out detract from what I feel could be a great image!
Just one artists view-
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Oooooooow love the curves on this shot Arvid
Well Done, this is a really nice shot
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I think if you can reshoot and get a sharper effect in that area it would be excellent!
Nice simplistic shot though!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Getting bored of all these perfect photos. Sometimes you just don´t see the creativity going on, just if it´s sharp and noisefree...
Do you get my point and what im trying to do here?:)
Getting bored of all these perfect photos. Sometimes you just don´t see the creativity going on, just if it´s sharp and noisefree...
Do you get my point and what im trying to do here?:)
Think you misinterpreted my comment. I know what you were trying to do here - just pointing out what I feel you could have done better.
I like the noise and everything about the image- except for the top left corner.
The first smudge along the cord is a big issue. Doesn't make any logical sense why that would be there- obvious PP- and really ruins the excellent shadow you have going along the cord.
In the top corner the cord becomes fat and flat and the dark gray in the corner - again - obvious PP -nothing to cast a shadow at the angle of the light- and draws to much attention away from the subject.
Noise is great- breaking the rules is great- lots of photoshop can be great- but in this case I feel the areas I pointed out detract from what I feel could be a great image!
Just one artists view-
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion