thumb url for an album

Hello, is there a way to obtain the thumb url for an album without having to do multiple api calls.
albums.get does not return a thumb url for the cover photo of an album, and i understand, smugmug does not have a fixed cover album, but it would be nice if albums.get would return any thumb url so that when you are listing the albums, you can show a cover photo without doing 1 albums.get and N images.get.
anyway I am new to the smugmug API and i was wondering if i missed it somewhere, and did not see it?
albums.get does not return a thumb url for the cover photo of an album, and i understand, smugmug does not have a fixed cover album, but it would be nice if albums.get would return any thumb url so that when you are listing the albums, you can show a cover photo without doing 1 albums.get and N images.get.
anyway I am new to the smugmug API and i was wondering if i missed it somewhere, and did not see it?
You can grab a random image like this...[Insert AlbumID]&Size=[Tiny|Thumb|Small|Medium|Large|...]
Additionally, you don't need to do N calls to get all the image details for images of an album, by adding &Heavy=1 to smugmug.images.get, all that info is automatically returned.
SmugMug API Developer
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SmugMug API Developer
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But Random Image != Featured Image.
Is there any way to extract which image is Featured in an Album? I don't see a "Featured" bit in what a query to smugmug.images.get or getInfo would return, so is this not possible? Is it somewhere in albums.getInfo? What's Hightlight?
Highlight== Featured
And before you say it, yes the documentation needs an overhaul
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
heh, sorry I saw your typo and assumed it was your mistake
gimme a break, it's Saturday here and i have had no coffee
SmugMug API Developer
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