Few more questions about smugmug
I am almost ready to switch over to smugmug, there was just something I wanted to find out about and something to suggest if its not a feature already.
First, the question. Is the proof/watermark feature only for the pro account or for the standard account as well? I plan to go for the pro account when I can, but I will be starting off with the standard version. And when I post pictures I want a copyright to be listed on them and I would prefer not to upload a temporary set of pictures with the copyright on them until I get the pro account. Thats just alot of work.
And 2nd, the question/suggestion. The proof/watermark, does it have to be the word PROOF written accross the image or do you get other options? Do you have the option to upload a custom proof file/stamp that the software on the site could turn into a watermark on the pictures for web display, but when printed it wont show then?
An example of what im thinking of is a b&w file that has the design in black. Then the server software could put it over the existing images in a blending mode, or how ever the site does it currently.
First, the question. Is the proof/watermark feature only for the pro account or for the standard account as well? I plan to go for the pro account when I can, but I will be starting off with the standard version. And when I post pictures I want a copyright to be listed on them and I would prefer not to upload a temporary set of pictures with the copyright on them until I get the pro account. Thats just alot of work.
And 2nd, the question/suggestion. The proof/watermark, does it have to be the word PROOF written accross the image or do you get other options? Do you have the option to upload a custom proof file/stamp that the software on the site could turn into a watermark on the pictures for web display, but when printed it wont show then?
An example of what im thinking of is a b&w file that has the design in black. Then the server software could put it over the existing images in a blending mode, or how ever the site does it currently.
pro only.
for now, it's the only choice. smugmug is working on add'l options on this feature.
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Any tips? I dont plan to do alot of nesting, just 2 levels.
Currently you can't "move" categories/subcategories. You can create, rename and delete them (except for the "stock" ones, which are "read-only" for everybody). All those actions are considereder to be "administrative" ones, and as such are available via your personal control center.
What you can do on a regular basis is to create gelleries (aka albums). Gallery MUST reside within certain category, subcategory is optional (i.e. your album can be either on 1st or or 2d level, period). You can change the album's category/subcategory later, effectively "moving" it from one place to another.
Currently smugmug UI does not allow "batch" move of several albums at a time. I'm actively working on this feature for my tool now.
So say I create a gallery called flowers, and list the catagory as flowers.
but inside this gallery, I want to display subfolders, like tulips, roses, etc. Ive already created subcatagories for these things in the other section.
Normally I would hit create new gallery, but that option isnt offered when im inside the flowers gallery.
Ive already created a gallery and uploaded pictures to it, called tulips, with the catagory and subcatagory info filled out so it can be found in the browser feature. Its in the root directory, and when im in it, I dont see any move features to move it into the flower album.
Am I just overlooking something simple?
- Categories are "root" folders
- Subcategories are optional subfolders of the root folders
- Galleries (aka albums) are (text) files.,
- Images are lines in those files
HTHMy smugmug is http://gerrydavid.smugmug.com and I have 3 albums there. I want "tulips" and "other" to be in the "flower" one. The end result would be 1 album on the main page, with 2 albums inside it.
I want the end result to look something like my pbase account, www.pbase.com/gerrydavid
There I have like 8 main folders, with subfolders in each of those. Otherwise Id have like 50 folders on the main page and that would be to confusing/overwelming.
Firstly on your main page, you want to select, display 'Categories' as opposed to display Galleries. the option looks like below...
Display: Categories | Galleries
Then, I don't think you need the 'Tulips' and 'Other' sub-categories for the albums.
Give that a go.
SmugMug API Developer
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Ill go take a look for the other thing you mentioned now. :0)
SmugMug API Developer
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