Here are 4 landscapes...

let's say i've got a 'friend' who is in a photo competition, and wants to know if these are competition-worthy...:wink

critique, suggestions, etc. greatly appreciated. thanks in advance!

critique, suggestions, etc. greatly appreciated. thanks in advance!
Love to dream, and dream in color.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
This summer's wilderness photography project:
If this "contest" is important and the quality of past entries is
That said, of the 4. The first is really dazzling. Love the lighting and the colors.
Canon EOS 30D, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Sigma 70-200 f/2.8, Sigma 18-50 f/2.8, Tokina 12-24 f/4. Sigma 1.4 TC, Feisol 3401 Tripod + Feisol ballhead, Metz 58 AF-1 C, ebay triggers.
I'm an amature but I would say that they are fit for competitions.
Someone else mentioned cropping the first one, give that a try. place the sun or maybe one trees using the rule of thirds. And maybe place the horizon at a third. Just an idea to play with. Trying to picture it wiht the top of the trees cropped, and maybe even losing the right side where yoou see a little bit of the sun hitting the grass.
But I agree that the last two is Plain, but maybe with some editing?
This image is a line of orchards that had a lit sign behind it. I shot it on a foggy night, long exposure.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
It is preety good, but would be better if the tree towards the right wasn't there, as it would fully draw your eye to the middle with the one tree in portrait...
Thanks. Actually the first one is uncropped and pretty much untouched. So wider isn't an option. I'm often guilty of not taking a big enough photo - I hate to crop if I don't have to, and often go too far the other way. I'll set it aside for a few days and rethink it.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
good luck in the competition