Control panel layout

I've a few questions about the control panel , it is a big improvement on what it was but still not very intuitive for my particular brain, but Im kindsa gettingthe hang of it
However question no 1:
why is the hello world and helo smuggers under the 'seetings and not under customise?
I can see it's a kind of 'setting' but so we could argue are thethings under' customize'
The point is most of what is in settings is info that has nothing to do witth ho thw site appears, whereas customise is just about how the site appears
Is this another case of 'Don't use that - Use smugbrowser'?:dunno
However question no 1:
why is the hello world and helo smuggers under the 'seetings and not under customise?
I can see it's a kind of 'setting' but so we could argue are thethings under' customize'
The point is most of what is in settings is info that has nothing to do witth ho thw site appears, whereas customise is just about how the site appears
Is this another case of 'Don't use that - Use smugbrowser'?:dunno
Ok so I see the sign about fotoflot.. interesting .. wonder how much it costs ..
I know I'll look in the pricing... er where's that?.. there must be easy quick way to see; I know I'll look in the control panel ( obvious place for it right?).. nah can't find it (if it's there it's not easy to find), OK Andy's always telling me to use the SmugBrowser when IM trying to do things - I'll give that ago: after a few minutes with Smugborwser I can't find it.. not saying it's not there , just not easy to find, try these things at the bottom of Smugbrowser..doh, grrr- gonna have to visit the Smugbroser forum for that lot.. OK prices prices where would the prices be... SM teamed with fotoflot it said.. so I know it'll be in te list on my pricespage ( I could have looked there first but I thought there'd be a quicker way than Gallery>category>gallery>customize>
. I know! on the fotoflot site
This is the process I go thorugh when I want to make changes of even just check something because I don't use it every day.
Never mind whether SM is partnered or just promoting flotoflt - my problem was not being able to find a central place to view/control prices, yes there's acontrol of sorts once you get to pro pricing but that's hardly central is it?
Knowing me I have missed the central one but even if I have , this jst isn't user friendly ( for a mac user) not to be able to find it;-) Hey Ive got the hang of Macs really well yet still after a couple of years Im still struggling with SMs control panel hieracrchies.
what can I say?
EDIT: should I have posted this in "pro suport forum ? (feel free to move)
We've got a lot of "stuff" you can do to your site. No doubt, tools and settings are scattered. We know we need to organize 'em better and it's on our short-ish-term list to do just that. Making it dead-simple for you to find the tools you need no matter where you are.
NONE of the stuff in Control panel is in SmugBrowser. BUT
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SmugBrowser--> Gallery type settings (the things you'd find in Gallery Tools>Customize Gallery)
Control Panel -->Customize Tab, make new categories, sucategories, etc.
Fotoflot pricing, go to their website, OR, navigate to your photo on your website, click "buy this photo" and then click the fotoflot link right in the cart interface.
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We know it. Stay tuned and hang in there... Thanks Simon.
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Okey jolly 'ol dokey
Andy's talking about an add-on for FireFox, which is really very harmless. One of the major benefits of FF is that you can add on apps like this, and add quite a bit of customizable functionality to your browser.
No need to worry.
I know what you mean about extensions in OS9 and earlier, but I've yet to have any problems with OSX and anything I've added on.
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ahh so you have to actually feint as if to buy to find the price - very crafty grasshopper:D
OK fair enough but to be honest it'\s just anoter thing that takes effort to learn and time to do -- I have little enough hair as it is , I don't want to pull the rest out from frustration
Judging by this thread you have a lot of time on your hands.
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er..I do?
Enough time to write a journey through your mind in post 2!
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Stream of consciousness mate - timeless!