Birds, birds, birds
I am substituting the Ibis for the Egret until such time as I find an egret. This is an ibis with a Killdeer (I looked it up).

This is a little blue heron, I think: the purple neck thing........
As close as I came to a heron today.

I don't know what this is, but he sure can talk about it.

This bird is sitting in the water?????

I don't know what this bird is. I do know that it is blown, as in too white. But it is a bird, it is in the air, and I got my lens on it and took its photo. The first few shots, I forgot to reset the EC, but wanted to show my bird in air.

I have got many more. We are getting rain again, I don't know how many times I can go out to get birds, my car's rear axel is going to be replaced next
Friday and I am not supposed to leave the area til then. The area seems to have Ibis es.
A couple of Ibes es. When you got an itch you gotta scratch even if it turns you into a pretzel.

I think this is kind of pretty. For an Ibis, in this kind of not too pretty area.

I really wanted Hawks, but I think that has to be the middle of the week, I mean the doing it and nesting ones. There were people all over. I tried to get the Ibis es to fly. No go. I shouted over and over that their houses were on fire and to fly away home. Harry, if they had all flown together what size lens should I have had on?
Night all,

This is a little blue heron, I think: the purple neck thing........
As close as I came to a heron today.

I don't know what this is, but he sure can talk about it.

This bird is sitting in the water?????

I don't know what this bird is. I do know that it is blown, as in too white. But it is a bird, it is in the air, and I got my lens on it and took its photo. The first few shots, I forgot to reset the EC, but wanted to show my bird in air.

I have got many more. We are getting rain again, I don't know how many times I can go out to get birds, my car's rear axel is going to be replaced next
Friday and I am not supposed to leave the area til then. The area seems to have Ibis es.
A couple of Ibes es. When you got an itch you gotta scratch even if it turns you into a pretzel.

I think this is kind of pretty. For an Ibis, in this kind of not too pretty area.

I really wanted Hawks, but I think that has to be the middle of the week, I mean the doing it and nesting ones. There were people all over. I tried to get the Ibis es to fly. No go. I shouted over and over that their houses were on fire and to fly away home. Harry, if they had all flown together what size lens should I have had on?
Night all,
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I like this one the best
TML Photography
It looks like you (like myself have some dust bunnies to attend to)
BIF shot lower left hand side,
I appreciate your looking at my birds.
I don't know how my new camera got so many.
ginger (Thanks for looking)
Ginger Harry sent you some very nice birds and what great shots [you do know that white thing is a e---t ] it is not nice to capture a potty break, poor bird .
These are some of the besy bird shots you've done, excellent
BTW #3 & #4 are snowy egrets so thanks for a fine contribution to Egret Fest. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"