
Color Issues...i Really Could Use Your Help.

mrschundermrschunder Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
edited February 7, 2008 in Digital Darkroom
Until yesterday I didn't have any problems with this. I infact have been one of the people who has helped lots of people to fix their color mode issues so this is really upsetting me and I'm hoping it's something easy that has messed me up.

Anyway, yesterday I calibrated my monitor with Huey Pro. All went well and I'm now seeing through new eyes except that when I view an image in CS3 or PSE5 it looks like one thing and when I view the same image in Windows and Fax Viewer it looks less red. This screen shot is showing PSE5 and Windows and Fax Viewer next to each other and the difference. Both images are in SRGB (I know that is usually the reason this happens). So what am I doing wrong. I suspect this is a bigger problem then color mode, could it be something with the color handling on my computer?

I'm also attaching the picture so you can look at it's stats and see if I'm missing something obvious. It's not just this picture it's all my pictures at the moment

Please, help me figure this out I have sessions to proof. :frantics:


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    dmmattixdmmattix Registered Users Posts: 341 Major grins
    edited February 7, 2008
    You could wait for a more definitive reply from Andrew Rodney but basically he will tell you this. Photoshop is color managed and Windows and FAX Viewer is not. You used the Huey to create a monitor profile that Photoshop uses but Windows and FAX Viewer does not know about. Photoshop is correct Windows and FAX Viewer is not (that is if the calibration was done correctly which I am assuming that it was).

    Hope this helps


    Mike Mattix
    Tulsa, OK

    "There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown
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    mrschundermrschunder Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
    edited February 7, 2008
    Thanks Mike, your response makes sense but then I have to wonder how people on this board and other boards can say they are callibrated and yet comment on color cast issues with a particular image. Also, how can you post images for CC if the color your putting up on the web isn't really true color. ne_nau.gif
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    Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited February 7, 2008
    My guess would be color profiles. Are you certain that your output JPG is written using sRGB rather than something else?
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    mrschundermrschunder Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
    edited February 7, 2008
    My guess would be color profiles. Are you certain that your output JPG is written using sRGB rather than something else?

    Thank you Scott for the response. Yes I'm fairly certain I'm using SRGB all the way through although if you wanted to check me on it I wouldn't mind. That's why I posted the actual image alone so that people could catch something if I am overlooking it. Color modes is one of the most frustrating parts of this entire process IMO.
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    SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited February 7, 2008
    See Mike's answer. 15524779-Ti.gif

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    mrschundermrschunder Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
    edited February 7, 2008
    Sam wrote:
    See Mike's answer. 15524779-Ti.gif


    Sam and Mike, can you explain what you mean by color profiles? Are you meaning Monitor Profiles or Color Mode? Something I'm doing wrong or is it something that is correct and I just need to live with. Sorry I'm just so frustrated by this since I was trying to do something good for my photography and it's just left me with more questions.
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    dmmattixdmmattix Registered Users Posts: 341 Major grins
    edited February 7, 2008
    mrschunder wrote:
    Sam and Mike, can you explain what you mean by color profiles? Are you meaning Monitor Profiles or Color Mode? Something I'm doing wrong or is it something that is correct and I just need to live with. Sorry I'm just so frustrated by this since I was trying to do something good for my photography and it's just left me with more questions.

    Here is a thread that covers it pretty well.


    I really hate to point people to THIS thread as I consider it cruel and unusual punishment but it really does cover the topic well but lengthy.




    Mike Mattix
    Tulsa, OK

    "There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown
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