I'm Lost - Please Direct Me
I see that things have changed overnight...and I see that there's a thread about the security update. Yet, nothing seems to indicate there's been a change...how am I to know? Where should I be looking?
I've said this before, but there should be a formal method for telling people that things have change...AND that mechanism should be part of the release process - that is, a description of the changes should be a corequisite to your testing cycle so it is updated in the same window as the code fix!
Maybe I"m wrong...maybe there's (yet another) place to look for updates...whatever it is, please tell us, keep it updated with the code, and stick to it!
Did anything other than security change last night????
- Gary.
I see that things have changed overnight...and I see that there's a thread about the security update. Yet, nothing seems to indicate there's been a change...how am I to know? Where should I be looking?
- News on my site has no change indicated
- The SmugWiki Updates entry hasn't changed since 1/31
- There are several - 'maintenance changes here' threads on dgrin, none of which show any updates (some date back to May of 2007)
- Andy's post regarding maintenance windows leads you to maintenance schedules, but no indication that something changed last night
I've said this before, but there should be a formal method for telling people that things have change...AND that mechanism should be part of the release process - that is, a description of the changes should be a corequisite to your testing cycle so it is updated in the same window as the code fix!
Maybe I"m wrong...maybe there's (yet another) place to look for updates...whatever it is, please tell us, keep it updated with the code, and stick to it!
Did anything other than security change last night????
- Gary.
Smugmug Release notes are the one single place that you'll always go to, and we'll have those updated as soon as possible (this time, it'll pretty much be a copy of what's in Don's blog post, but for completeness' sake, we'll have it in the release notes, too).
This was a monumental task, this release. Release notes will be updated at some point today I'm sure, I've set a goal for them to be updated within 24hours of the release.
You found it all, which is good. Is there a specific question you have that I can help you with right now?
Smugmug Release notes are updated.
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