Doomsday Scenario
I am very concerned about losing my photos I upload on Smugmug. So, what would happen if Smugmug went bankrupt? Or something similar happened? One of the reasons I use Smugmug is to be a backup facility. Is there any chance we could suddenly lose our pictures, if say Smugmug went bankrupt or suffered data corruption itself? Are the photos on Smugmug backed up?
I am very concerned about losing my photos I upload on Smugmug. So, what would happen if Smugmug went bankrupt? Or something similar happened? One of the reasons I use Smugmug is to be a backup facility. Is there any chance we could suddenly lose our pictures, if say Smugmug went bankrupt or suffered data corruption itself? Are the photos on Smugmug backed up?
Just my thoughts on it:
- while being paranoid is usually not a good thing, as any sysadmin can tell you there is no such thing as a REDUNDANT backup:-)
- with DVD burners being under $100 and DVD media being under $1 per disk (well, in both cases you can go much higher $$$ if you want to, but those prices are a very solid average), there is no reason why you can't afford you own little backup system.
- if you don't want to do your own backup, while smugmug is still up and runnning you can use their backup service and order a backup of your pictures. Will be slightly more expensive than solution #2, but with the same results.
- if you're running any kind of business off your pictures/smugmug site, tape backup would be a MUST. It's bit more expensive than a DVD-based solution (especially software-wise), but you can definitely expense it.
Yeah, appreciate everything you say - very valid points.
Issue is this: I am off on a 7mth round the world trip and will not have access to my own computer. All I will have is my digital camera, SD card and internet cafes to upload pics with.
As my photos will be my most important asset, I want to upload them on a regular basis (i.e. back them up) in case I should lose the SD card/have my camera stolen etc. Also, I want to free up memory on the SD card to take more pics.
DO you think it is OK to rely on Smugmug as a backup in such circumstances?
have a great trip. smugmug will be here when you return, and so will your photos. fear not.
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Sorry for being anal, but I am right at the end of my MSCIS program and I am right now going through a class that discusses these very topics. If Smugmug doesn't have a DR manual or hasn't thought much about DR, maybe you need to hire someone to do that
In this case it seems that ordering periodic SM backups of those pictures is a great idea. Heve them shipped to your home address, so by the time you get home you have a bunch of disks waiting for you. Depending on the amount of uploads you can do weekly CDs, or you can wait until you have a 4-4.5 Gb and then order a dvd..
But, as Andy said, I don't think SM is going anywhere that soon, so these backups are mostly for your total peace of mind..:-)
Have a great trip, I envy you!
I don't want to hide this issue behind marketing-speak and a corporate front, so I'll try to be as transparent and honest as I can:
We use smugmug to store our own photos, which we're very protective of, so we take every precaution we know to ensure they're always safe and sound. Every photo is stored on at minimum two seperate disk storage nodes and those nodes use fault-tolerant RAID arrays with live hot spares. They're far safer than anything mere mortals have at their homes.
But there are certainly scenarios (earthquake, fire, meteor shower, terrorist attack, etc) that're difficult for a company of our size to predict and plan for. Some day, I hope to have better precautions in place for this sort of thing (storing photos in different geographic locations, for example) that just aren't financially feasible right now. If people are willing to pay *a lot* more for such a premium service, I'm all ears.
Additionally, software is software. And humans are human. Smugmug doesn't make any warranties about the saftey and reliability of your photos - we just can't. We simulate failure scenarios ourselves, and we've actually had a few big disaster scenarios happen on the site, and so far we've come through with flying colors. I can't promise that'll always be the case.
But we're not a nameless, faceless corporation. We're a family run business that loves their customers. We consider it an honor to have been entrusted with your photos and are doing everything humanly possible to take good care of them.
Sorry, Mike, but I can't give you this information.
Obscurity is a poor substitute for real security, but it's a vital part of any real security plan. If I were a bank, I wouldn't put a poster detailing all of our security camera locations out in the front lobby.
If I reveal specific details about those things, I'm potentially damaging my customer's priceless data.
On the smugmug security topic, how about a Southern Hemisphere backup site? We could just put it in 'Gus's basement. Now let's see, how much bandwidth would we need to make that work? Perhaps my company, Radiance Technologies could help with that part? If I used smilies, I'd put one here for those with improperly adjusted irony detectors.)
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Yahoo acquires Flickr
than about disaster, bankruptcy, etc. etc.
Smugmug gets a five "fish" rating from me, and I have zero financial interest in the company (yet...come on baldy, hire me, you k-riding bum), just a very VERY satisfied user.
:fish :fish :fish :fish :fish
I'm pretty certain that the MacAskill's wouldn't want me as their official mouthpiece, but as someone who's known Baldy and Toni personally for about five years, and their sons through our relationship (not related to smugmug, btw), and knowing Baldy's history of success in business (ever hear of, and finally as services program manager for a large computer company, I can tell you that Smugmug is here to stay. In their short history, they've already outlasted a couple of their competitors who had a major leg-up in the segment. The operation is a high-quality, high-touch, high-availability, low-cost enterprise that is growth-oriented, customer-focused, and highly scaleable. If they were a public company, I would have no hesitation investing in it. As a customer, I have absolutely ZERO concerns about the protection of my images.
All that said, I think it would be wise to have more than one backup and storage strategy. Just as clustering is good for availability, multiple backup strategies are good for long-term piece of mind. Always keep a copy of the images you can't afford to lose, locally...AND have multiple backup/archive strategies for them too.
how'd I do?
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
It is good to know certain things and I'm comfortable with the information that you posted earlier. Do you have a link to that information on the smugmug faq or help files anywhere?
Personally I'd question your choice to use the internet to back up IMAGES... Cause if you shoot any sort of higher-end camera, with RAW capture, RGB colorspace capture, TIFF, etc etc, you're definitely short-changing yourself by only hanging onto a JPG image. I don't know how many times I've had to flat out delete a JPG image and re-upload it, re-edited from RAW, simply because I screwed up on my end. Don't get me wrong, I wholy trust smugmug with my images and I also use them to transport images from my home to my school photo lab sometimes, but I guess I should stop rambling on and just say that as a photographer I can highly reccomend storage using DVD's or CD's. Word on the street is that Fuji's just come out with some super long life CD's?
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