Fat Bottomed Girls - a ZeroPost production

PaulThomasMcKeePaulThomasMcKee Registered Users Posts: 429 Major grins
edited February 9, 2008 in The Dgrin Challenges
So, I’ve been mulling over the ideas expressed in the “All I’ve got to say” thread for the last couple days and trying to decide how I feel about digital post processing images. For me, there’s really no question. I like having, and the challenge of using, digital darkroom tools like Lightroom and Photoshop to produce an appealing image (hit and miss for me). At the same time, it is easy for me to fall into the trap of relying on them more than I should and I’m still captivated by the challenge of trying to create a pleasing image entirely within the confines of the click of the shutter.
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With those thoughts swirling in the back of my mind…I was sitting at my desk at work yesterday, eating a piece of fruit while listening to classic rock music and –bing- a fully formed (pun intended) idea for an image and its title popped into my head. I ran out to the store on my break and bought four more pears. Later that evening, I’m out in the garage with all the lights turned off doing my thing (trying to take a picture of pears).

After a while, my wife came home from her dance class and I hear her wandering through the house saying “hello? - hello?”. Finally, she poked her head into the garage, “hello - Paul?”. I say “hi”. She says, “What the bleep are you doing? Why is it dark in here? (so I turned my flashlight to the camera & pears) And what are you doing with my favorite fruit bowl?” I told her I was trying to take a picture of some pears for the LPS final. She said, “What-Ever…I’ve seen the level of photos that get entered and you aren’t going to win any money with a semi-erotic picture of some pears.”
Well fellow Dgrinners, probably not…but for now, this is the direction that I’m headed in. I have in mind a couple more “confines of the click” experiments to try. Once again, I’m finding it a refreshing break from what, for me, can be “post processing purgatory”.



  • SwartzySwartzy Registered Users Posts: 3,293 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008
    Oh My
    I just about spit out my coffee......now that is way too funny! Your wife is a hoot! I think you're on to something here......sexy pears!
    NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
    Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
    Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
  • Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008
    This has the nice rich warmth of a masters painting.

    On your next iteration, try without the bowl -

  • tamplumtamplum Registered Users Posts: 141 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008
    My my, but those pears are quite the little minx'es are they now? Laughing.gif I think you are on to something.
    **Taking the moments one shot at a time**
    ~Working with my Nikon D80~
    <My dream is to be the kind of mother, my kids already think I am>
  • TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008
    man your always a humorous soul:D

    id like to see somemore light on them....

    maybe go ahead and use that omni lighting affect from photoshop...i know you want too!!!


    anyway good luck too you and whatever your decission is!
    Aaron Nelson
  • TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008
    i just looked at your entry, looks real nice when viewed at the bigger entry size...

    good luck!!!!!
    Aaron Nelson
  • LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008

    I find that whole conversation a bit frustrating because, as I see it, this contest is about content more than it is about techniqe. Decide what you want to say, choose the techniques accordingly and you will be on the golden road.

    So, with that said, I'll focus on your shot. Something that I have been thinking about lately is the idea from PJ that photos tell stories in layers. Minimially I think that means two layers, foreground and background. I have been guilty over and over in this contest of forgetting the background and focusing on the foreground and, from the depth of my personal experience, its an uphill battle. Backgrounds are tough, but the right background provides a richness of context that can push a photo to the next level.

    So your pears, they have a dead black 000000 background. I have personally done that so many times, let me count the ways, but from here on I resolve to answer a few questions before I move forward on any photo plan. Is the backround that part of the story? In what ways does it contribute to the image? What is my story and how might I better set the stage?

    Sadly, I have only questions and no answers. The pear I shot way back in SF1 (which failed miserably), set me on a path of thinking about content and visual story telling that I have not yet reached the end of. I am afraid that I am merely venting in your thread, but hopfully somewhere in my thoughts there is something you will find helpful. Good luck.

  • xrisxris Registered Users Posts: 546 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008
    Nice Pair!
    Really nice shot. I was toying with a nice pair myself the other day, considering the artistic merits of same. Personally, I think you nailed it. It's a very typical, Edward Steiken-like, still life: But very well implemented. The black background? Yes, I think it does help to tell the 'story.' It's called 'negative space' and it's a very important part of some compositions. In this case I think it serves to isolate the subject matter from reality, lending romance and mystery to the subject matter while emphasizing the subtle textures and tonality.


    X www.thepicturetaker.ca
  • shatchshatch Registered Users Posts: 798 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2008
    Hey Paul,
    Love the story, love the photo. I always like how you approach a photo with a deeper approach than just a visual snapshot. As I read your story (very funny by the way), and the comments of others, a photo of your pears on a semi reflective surface came to mind. Looked pretty cool in my mind (that is the problem, the mind always creates the perfect image...it is the exporting the mental image to a digital file that creates the hang-up). Look forward to seeing more. You always have such well executed shots.
  • imaximax Registered Users Posts: 691 Major grins
    edited February 9, 2008
    Nice Photograph and entry Paul. The only problem I see is that when being judged by a jury of your pears and many of them happen to be women you might want to rethink the title. It's the whole subliminal thing. Just a thought..............

    (and yes I know it's peers. And secondly they do make the rockin world go round)

  • PaulThomasMcKeePaulThomasMcKee Registered Users Posts: 429 Major grins
    edited February 9, 2008
    Imax & others, I sure hope I haven’t offended anyone with the title. The idea for the photo and the title was a bit of spontaneous free-association that occurred when I heard the song while eating a pear. Since I didn’t have any better ideas at the time I decided to run with it. I appreciate and admire the human form (and also that of fruit) in all its endless variations.
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    Shatch, I had thought of lighting the pears from below through some translucent glass next time. But, maybe I’ll try lighting from above with the semi reflective glass too.

    Xris, I agree the shot isn’t too unusual. Thanks for the explanation regarding the black background. I understand a little better myself now why I liked it. I read Penelope Nivens’ Biography of Steichen last year and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    LiquidAir, I can’t say that I disagree with anything that you said. I have some background ideas that I’d like to try – but it’s like shatch said…the idea can be easier than making it happen in the camera. BTW, feel free to vent in any thread of mine anytime – your comments & ideas are always welcome.

    Aaron & tamplum, thanks for commenting, I’m glad you liked it.

    Ann, “masters painting” was exactly the idea I had in mind when I set out :-) I do plan to try it without the bowl too. I was trying to be judicious with the use of the light and the positioning of the bowl to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment to the pears.

    Swartzy, I don’t think I’ve ever caused anyone to do a spit-take before…but since you only “came close” I guess I can’t cross it off my bucket list yet.

    Thanks again for all your support. I definitely plan to experiment with this concept some more. If I get anything decent I’ll share it here.

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