Cheap! Photoshop CS for Canon users
FYI, Adobe/Canon recently extended their $299 deal for Canon purchasers who got Elements 2.0 with their camera purchase to November of this year.
link to Adobe store
link to Adobe store
a big learning curve involved with the upgrade, or will I adjust fairly easily?
I did get elements 2 with the D Reb, and I just started to use it. I kind of
like the "fill flash" effect to lighten dark areas the easy way. Does CS have this?
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
cs has "shadow / highlight" a killer tool dave
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"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I have PS Elements 2.0 but I'm a D70 owner. Just for grins (analog grins, not digital grins
I then backed out. My daughter is a college senior and I've not chosed to use her purchasing power to get me a cheaper CS copy. I've worked for software companies for years and have used derogatory terms to describe those who cheat the system (really bad comments about the true software pirates).
Just the same, the canon purchasers are sure getting a better deal than the nikon users (yeah, I know that elements was part of their canon purchase but I paid my $70'ish extra for elements).
It's mostly curiosity but how closely is Adobe watching this purchasing process?
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
I'm sure that without this sort of incentive, many would stick with lower margin Elements or go with PaintShop Pro or similar.
It is certainly a good deal for you Canonites. Us N guys have to fork out $100 for Capture then PS on top. Actually the Adobe RAW plug-in and other RAW converters are getting to the point that Nikon Capture might not be needed much longer. Maybe N will start giving it away, as they should have from day one.
Anyway, to shoot RAW fulltime I need a bigger card.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen