wireless remote for 20D/30D/40D

Is there an inexpensive wireless remote shutter that you can recommend for the Canon 20D/30D/40D? Thanks.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography
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Plus I reviewed one found on Ebay:
Ebay link
Here is a copy of the review:
Ok here is my report.
Here is what it came with:
You will see a a cable release with about a 2 ft. cord on it. A receiver and the remote. I included the quarter myself(you will not receive one with yours) so you could get a feel for the actual size.
In this photo is my setup:
This is my 30D on it's tripod. I am using my Tamron 28-75 lens at 28mm. Attached to the camera is the cable release, then the reciever is plugged into the cable release.
First I took a photo with me about 8 ft. away from the camera:
This photo is the one I took as far away as possible:
I estimate I was about 50 ft away.
Pardon my dogs they were confused as hell.
My opinion:
In the ebay ad it does say it will take photos up to 100ft away from the camera. This did not happen in my case and I had a clear view of the camera. No FCC tags on this stuff so I assume it is illegal to use this remote in the US. I seriously doubt the Remote Police will be patroling anytime soon though. Ok so I will now list the + and - of this product for me.
The "+"s:
1)It works at least 50 ft. away.
2)You can use it on a Rebel XT or Possibly the 300D Rebel without the cable release.
3)Easy to setup and get rolling.
The "-"s
1) It is illegal(although I have never seen anyone police this)
2) odd batteries (1 - CR2 and 1 - N)although I probably won't replace them often.
I think it was worth the $54.95 spent to finally have a remote for my 30D. If you are wanting a remote for your 30D or Rebel XT I say buy it. B and H Photo carries this for $100. I say buy it off ebay for half the price.
I will be stepping away from the computer for a bit to hep the kids with their homework so if you have any questions ask them and I will answer as soon as I am done helping the kids.
Thanks. Can you provide a link to the eBay item? Or what to search for and from whom to buy it from? Thanks.
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thats the one i got recently. havent tested out the distance of it, ive only tested to make sure it works and it does.
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