Where is SmugBrowser support?

OK I looked in SM support, in SM Pro support, and I did a forum search
Can't find it:dunno
Im sure it is really obvious to everyone else, but not to me - so please where have you hidden it - do tell?:scratch
OH and before I forget - I wanted to know what "ReferenceError:getElementByld is not defined" mean? I get it whenever I try to do something in SMBRSR
Can't find it:dunno
Im sure it is really obvious to everyone else, but not to me - so please where have you hidden it - do tell?:scratch
OH and before I forget - I wanted to know what "ReferenceError:getElementByld is not defined" mean? I get it whenever I try to do something in SMBRSR
Just typing "smugbrowser" in the dgrin search box (in the navbar) I get this:
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Oh in the navbar - ahh that was where I went wrong
( I typed it in the forum search
{I need a emoticon thingy of a grumpy old git with a bad back and a stick mumbling to himself! - I'd use it a lot! he why doesn't someoen make one - call it ..say.. 'simonius'
(type : rutt without the space betwen the colon and rutt)
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:rutt right! I want one that spits too!