New photos not showing in slideshow
I have a slideshow on my homepage and periodically add new photos. Never had a problem, but now the other day I added two recent shots and they are not showing at all.
When their turn comes in the slideshow the image area is simply blank.
These are links to the two recently added images:
When their turn comes in the slideshow the image area is simply blank.
These are links to the two recently added images:
I am having the exact same problem. Never been an issue before last night. Hope someone out there can help!!!!!
I wasn't aware there'd been a change. Thanks for the heads up. I'll see if I can get that new slideshow to work.
A couple things to check:
- Make sure you have external linking enabled for the slideshow gallery.
- Update your slideshow code to use the new (longer) AlbumID which is 1406091_Vus8n for the gallery you mention above (it used to be just 1406091 before some recent Smugmug changes).
My guess is that you don't have external linking enabled and it didn't used to matter. Now it does, particularly for new images.Homepage • Popular
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Thanks for the response.
I switched out all the code and am now running the new flash slideshow. It's pretty sweet.
I can't yet figure out how to change the size of the slideshow images however. My old slideshow displayed the images at their original size of 700 pixels wide. Now they are smaller. Any advice as to how I can change that?
var oParams = new Object;
oParams.randomStart = "true";
oParams.AlbumID = "4314953";
oParams.newWindow = 'false';
oParams.transparent = "true";
oParams.showLogo = "false";
oParams.showThumbs = "true";
oParams.showButtons = 'true';
oParams.crossFadeSpeed = '350';
createSWF(700,700, oParams, "transparent");
I played with the numbers (trying 400,400 or 600,600) until I got the look I thought worked out... since I have a mixture of portrait and landscape, I left the square format (I think the original setting is 600,600). I've seen different numbers (600,400) suggested if you have all landscape shots... there's also a good suggestion on putting "bio text" info in before the slide show coding so search engines put in something applicable to your site... it's at the bottom of the page under the "gotcha" tag: