A last goodbye

Last year this place became one of my favorite locations to go shoot. It is no longer safe to go here, so these are the last shots I'll have from the place. I'm actually surprised at how much I'll miss it. At least I'll have pictures to remind me of it.



Stolen Copper

Short Bus


Natur über alles

The rest of the gallery is over here.
C&C always encouraged, and thanks for looking.



Stolen Copper

Short Bus


Natur über alles

The rest of the gallery is over here.
C&C always encouraged, and thanks for looking.
I have one word to describe this image:
As for the loss of this wonderful place to photograph - I understand. Old decaying structures are my FAVORITE place to photograph.
Hey there Travis, I love that second last shot too.
The cracked walls in that image, and I'm assuming that is some kind of old heating unit ....... what a cool case surrounding it.
Yeah I can see how you can love exploring these places like you do.
Great Series
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
any chance you could go back and photograph that one from different angles, its a great subject!
I love the schematic (what can I say, I'm an engineer) and the last shot with the tree.
It a shame that you won't be able to go back, but safety is a good thing.
Yeah, that one is actually still accessible, but in a really nasty part of town. I've got shots of similar subjects (ie. trees growing through/around/over man made stuff) that I haven't processed yet. At least one more. When I get home I'll post some of them.
The old heater is super, but the tree/vine beg a closer inspection (and maybe in B&W)!!! You're lucky to find the old stuff..........it just isn't available in So. Cal...at least, not where I can find it. We are so paranoid of lawsuits here, that just about everything private is fenced off, whether it is safe or not. Do you have to do some 'fence-climbing' to gain access? It's hard to find open space here, too, but when you do.........it's fenced off as well. Hope you find some new places to explore!
Seeing stuff like that always makes me wonder what happened to make them
just abandon the place. It's the modern equiv of a ghost town.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky