Couple of odd issues

My site is starting to get more active, and I've had a couple of questions:
My site is starting to get more active, and I've had a couple of questions:
- When I go to my home page (, it displays as my domain. However, when I go to many of my galleries, it shifts to - I don't want that. It makes it confusing for my customers. Is there any way I can address that?
- I used the sample javascript to create a button bar on my home page. Is there any way to keep it up all the time?
- What's the best tutorial on developing a theme for my site? I've used a stock theme for almost a year, but I'm about ready to create a different look. I've seen some really nice things done around here, and I'd like to do the same!
Richard Berry
If you have "hide owner" checked in a gallery setting, you'll get this:
Set Hide Owner to "no" and your branding comes back, url and all
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Start in the customizing forum, "Start Here" thread and read through those materials & links. Then post your Questions in the customizing forum. We're happy to help!
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You all have proved it over and over. Thanks for all the terrific help. This is one of the most supportive and positive communities on the 'net! I'll get to work!
So do I, but it still disappears once I go into galleries. Any ideas?
It looks like you have a theme applied under the galleries. Enter one of the galleries in question and go to "customize gallery" and look under the "look & feel" section to see what your theme is set to. Typically you want this set to "default" and then your own customization will apply.
If that is already set to default, check the customization tab in your control panel and look at the bottom and make sure this is also set to default.
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