I was afraid that perhaps the flash would be somehow technologically, or circuitry-wise, behind the 40D and not be quite enough.
I have never had trouble with this flash, but out of curiosity I ask.... are Canon flashes repairable of they develop a problem, or are they considered to be a throwaway item?
It should be ok
According to the specification, the new 430 EX compatible to all EOS cameras and have E-TTLII, E-TTL, TTL but a bit weaker output at 43 m (ISO 100).
please visit the Canon website www.usa.canon.com to check the 430 Ex technical specification.
A speedlight is a speed light is a speedlight.....
They all mount via a hotshoe connection and that connection is universal.
The available functions of course will vary dependant on the capability of the flash and there's no way one would want to use a flash with incorrect circutry for a specific camera. You wouldn't want to use an SB800 on a Canon for instance.
The Canon 420EX should work pretty well with any modern Canon dSLR. It does not appear to have E-TTL II, which I greatly desire in a flash, so it can be misled in exposure with extremely bright and reflective backgrounds or extremely dark backgrounds, especially outdoors. Lenses which do not relay distance information defeat E-TTL II, as do bounce flash situations, so the E-TTL of the 420EX is perfectly appropriate in those situations.
The available functions of course will vary dependant on the capability of the flash and there's no way one would want to use a flash with incorrect circutry for a specific camera. You wouldn't want to use an SB800 on a Canon for instance.
Thanks for clearing that up. I saw 40D and 420EX and didn't consider this scenario.
A speedlight is a speed light is a speedlight.....
They all mount via a hotshoe connection and that connection is universal.
I have never had trouble with this flash, but out of curiosity I ask.... are Canon flashes repairable of they develop a problem, or are they considered to be a throwaway item?
According to the specification, the new 430 EX compatible to all EOS cameras and have E-TTLII, E-TTL, TTL but a bit weaker output at 43 m (ISO 100).
please visit the Canon website www.usa.canon.com to check the 430 Ex technical specification.
you can continue use it with 40D.
The available functions of course will vary dependant on the capability of the flash and there's no way one would want to use a flash with incorrect circutry for a specific camera. You wouldn't want to use an SB800 on a Canon for instance.
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Canon speedlights with an "EZ" suffix are the flashes to avoid since they lack tha ability to couple electronically with modern Canon digital cameras.
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