Wow. Real nice. No blown highlights on the blossoms. Great bee action! One of the other threads talked about "bird butt" shots. I guess your #2 would be a "bee butt" shot! I like all three.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Just came back from our farmhouse in France. The weather is just wonderful and spring is everywhere.
This is how things look like...
Hey Moti,
I always enjoy your work and this time was no exception. Great detail and colors plus you opened up a whole new niche in nature photography, Bee Butts.
Harry member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Just came back from our farmhouse in France. The weather is just wonderful and spring is everywhere.
This is how things look like...
...and very nicely, it appears. Nice, sharp photos of the bees and flowers as well.
Dixie Photographs by Dixie | Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
It has been snowing here for days, and there is a heavy snowfall warning in effect - another 10 cm (6 inches) expected, with temps falling to -17 overnight tomorrow. Two weeks ago, almost all snow was melted!!!
For now, I will have to imagine spring, and enjoy it vicariously through photos.
Sorry for not replying earlier but I had to go on a trip and and didn't have too much internet access. I came back only one hour ago.
Thank you everyone for for your nice comments of my photos, I really appreciate it.
I was in London and came back with lots of nice birds, butterflies and strange people shots (my favorites) but now it is 3 am here and I'm dying to go to bed so will start posting some tomorrow.
The sharpness and DOF you have is exceptional. Beautiful work. Your ability to use a fast shutter speed and maintain the DOF makes me wonder how you achieved this. Can you share your lens type and camara settings?
Bob's Rule of thirds: "One third of the time I'm right, one third of the time I'm wrong, and one third of time it does not for the majority of time, my opinion should be ignored."
The sharpness and DOF you have is exceptional. Beautiful work. Your ability to use a fast shutter speed and maintain the DOF makes me wonder how you achieved this. Can you share your lens type and camara settings?
Great shots moti! Looks like every picture I see in the last days comes from a D20...
EXIF is in the shots, I use ViewEXIF to display it directly in my IE.
Concerning exif in the shots: Canon D20 , all with F/11, ISO400 and flash. Shutter for 1st and 3rd 1/500 and 2nd 1/800.
Focal lenght says 100mm, but I guess moti can tell us the exact lens.
The sharpness and DOF you have is exceptional. Beautiful work. Your ability to use a fast shutter speed and maintain the DOF makes me wonder how you achieved this. Can you share your lens type and camara settings?
Hi Bob,
Here are the technical details:
Camera: canon 20D
Lens: 100mm f2.8 macro
Shooting mode: Aparture priority
ISO setting: 400
Aparture setting: f 11
in order to get high shutter speed while maintaing a good DOF at f11, I set the ISO to 400 which at the actual shooting conditions, gave me a speed of about 1/500.
Hi Sebastian,
Your exif reading is correct except for the flash, I didn't use flash for these photos.
btw, I also use viewEXIF, it is a real nice little program.
Hi Sebastian,
Your exif reading is correct except for the flash, I didn't use flash for these photos.
btw, I also use viewEXIF, it is a real nice little program.
Weird why viewEXIF says "strobe return light not detected". I crosschecked it with Irfanview which says "not fired, compulsory flash mode", so the flash should fire, but did not for whatever reasons?!
However viewEXIFs interpretation seems to be incorrect.
I will give this a try in a few weeks when the trees begin to blossom. I really like these shots.
Bob's Rule of thirds: "One third of the time I'm right, one third of the time I'm wrong, and one third of time it does not for the majority of time, my opinion should be ignored."
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
I always enjoy your work and this time was no exception. Great detail and colors plus you opened up a whole new niche in nature photography, Bee Butts. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
It has been snowing here for days, and there is a heavy snowfall warning in effect - another 10 cm (6 inches) expected, with temps falling to -17 overnight tomorrow. Two weeks ago, almost all snow was melted!!!
For now, I will have to imagine spring, and enjoy it vicariously through photos.
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yep bifs bbs it's all good. nice to see you again, moti
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Sorry for not replying earlier but I had to go on a trip and and didn't have too much internet access. I came back only one hour ago.
Thank you everyone for for your nice comments of my photos, I really appreciate it.
I was in London and came back with lots of nice birds, butterflies and strange people shots (my favorites) but now it is 3 am here and I'm dying to go to bed so will start posting some tomorrow.
Nite nite everyone and see you tomorrow :snore
"One third of the time I'm right, one third of the time I'm wrong, and one third of time it does not for the majority of time, my opinion should be ignored."
EXIF is in the shots, I use ViewEXIF to display it directly in my IE.
Concerning exif in the shots: Canon D20
Focal lenght says 100mm, but I guess moti can tell us the exact lens.
SmugMug Support Hero
Here are the technical details:
Camera: canon 20D
Lens: 100mm f2.8 macro
Shooting mode: Aparture priority
ISO setting: 400
Aparture setting: f 11
in order to get high shutter speed while maintaing a good DOF at f11, I set the ISO to 400 which at the actual shooting conditions, gave me a speed of about 1/500.
Hi Sebastian,
Your exif reading is correct except for the flash, I didn't use flash for these photos.
btw, I also use viewEXIF, it is a real nice little program.
However viewEXIFs interpretation seems to be incorrect.
SmugMug Support Hero
I will give this a try in a few weeks when the trees begin to blossom. I really like these shots.
"One third of the time I'm right, one third of the time I'm wrong, and one third of time it does not for the majority of time, my opinion should be ignored."