2002 RSX-S: Clean Machine!
It was a nice day today, so i decided to clean up the RSX and take a few shots of it. i found a cool location down an old street by some railroad tracks. it looks like it used to be a dive bar. pretty cool stuff!
let me know what yall think!

let me know what yall think!

Theo Civitello - Houston Based Automotive, Wedding & Life Photography
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It's been a great car. I really should take more pics of it.
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That and it is nice someone else in America drives a manual. We are bcoming endangered.
BTW, I own a 2007 WRX.
O mother river, Mississippi sing me your song.
Great place to go shooting Theo.
Love images #3 and #6.
With image three I thought maybe you combine Black & White with colour,
but that's not so.
Well Done! these came up real nice.
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
haha, so true! i'll never understand it, i love driving a standard car. feels like you're actually driving it, not just letting the car make all the decisions for you.
i'd like to see some shots of the WRX sometime!
actually, i did use a little black and white. CS3 has the new "Black & White" tab that you can play with, increasing the blue, white, black levels etc. i did that, then changed the blending mode of that layer and lowered the opacity. that was one of a few other techniques that i used to come up with the final images.
glad you like them!
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