Help pick a CF card for D300. Head Exploding!!
I will be buying a Nikon D300 soon and need a 'fast' CF Card. I will be shooting with NEF and HQ Jpeg so were talking a bout 19-25MB PER Shot depending if I use lossless compressed NEFs. (4x size increase per shot over my D50!!) Now I need to get a card...
What I'm looking for is a card that won't kill the buffer if I take 6 FPS with a 25MB per shot size. Or, if I take a series of shots the buffer can offload quickly to the camera and not leave me dead in the water still writing to a card.
Write speed to the card is most important. I don't need blazing fast offload speed from card reader to my PC. With my D50 offloading 2GB took about 7 minutes. I can live with this.
I have been looking@ SanDisk Extreme III or IV. A 4GB card will give only 150 shots, so prob get the 8GB. What about Lexar or Kingston (transcend?) If I must pay $200 for a 8GB UDMA card I will....but do you think I would need one?
What I'm looking for is a card that won't kill the buffer if I take 6 FPS with a 25MB per shot size. Or, if I take a series of shots the buffer can offload quickly to the camera and not leave me dead in the water still writing to a card.
Write speed to the card is most important. I don't need blazing fast offload speed from card reader to my PC. With my D50 offloading 2GB took about 7 minutes. I can live with this.
I have been looking@ SanDisk Extreme III or IV. A 4GB card will give only 150 shots, so prob get the 8GB. What about Lexar or Kingston (transcend?) If I must pay $200 for a 8GB UDMA card I will....but do you think I would need one?
should be able to get a significant speed
gain by choosing SanDisk Extreme IV CF
cards (up to 40MB/s with UDMA) instead
of the cheaper (and just as reliable) but
slower cards form Kingston, Transcent
― Edward Weston
Anyone know about the Canon 40D and if it suports high-speed/high-capacity cards?
I'm debating on getting a 16GB Extreme III or a 32GB Transcend, but not sure if the Transcend is going to be dog slow. The transcend is actually cheaper for double the capacity.
Been searching the Canon support site for the 40D but can't find the info about this at all.
These DSLRs are using the FAT32 filesystem
which supports up to 128 GB. So 32GB or 16GB
will both work. Just dont pull your hair when
you have 31GB worth of images on the card
when it goes kaputt at some point in time.
― Edward Weston
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing - also worried about the read speed to download it to my computer.
Having an impossible time finding real/thurough reviews on the 32GB card. All my other cards are 4GB ExtremeIII and I love them (5 minutes to download a full card to the computer) - but worried of moving to another brand and not having the speed which is a huge deal when you're talking about 8x the data.
FWIW, I just ordered three 4GB Extreme IV cards from B&H for $90 each. Sandisk is offering a rebate (Visa check card) of $120 when you buy three cards, $70 if you buy two, and $30 (I think) if you buy one. Other cards are available as well.
I've read great things about these cards, but thought they were pricey until I saw the rebate
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― Edward Weston
I'm bummed as I do all of my post-processing on a laptop, that does not have Firewire 800 port. Maybe there is a PCMIA Firewire 800 card I can buy for the laptop? But, I don't mind too much waiting for 5 minutes for my pics to download from my D50. And thats from a 2GB sandisk Ultra 2 SD card.