How can I set a minimum number of thumbs to show?

loonsailorloonsailor Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
edited February 17, 2008 in SmugMug Support
I'm using the default smugmug style, and I have a gallery with 21 photos ( I'd like it to show all 21 thumbs on one page whenever possible. The stretchy stuff is very cool. However, oddly, I usually get all 21 thumbs at smaller sizes, but when I expand the window on my big 1920x1280 monitor, at some window sizes the thumbnails get bigger but I only get 20 instead of 21!

Is there any way fo me to control this, by saying "use smaller thumbs if you can't get all 21 on the screen"?


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2008
    Hi and welcome.

    It's not odd, as you go bigger than 1600px wide the thumbs are designed to get bigger, too, to150px instead of 100px.

    There's no way to predetermie or force the # of thumbs, to 21, I'm very sorry.
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