Curves or Solace...which to enter?
Curves, Light & Shadow

Solace in a cup

I‘ve wanted to take his photograph for months now. It’s an image that has haunted my subconscious. An image that I knew existed, but wasn't sure I could make happen. On nice days he sits, dozing in the sun, at a table outside the front door of the Starbucks that shares space in a grocery store that I go to for lunch sometimes. On wet or very cold days, he sits inside, head down, in a chocolate brown leather chair sipping his coffee by a cozy gas fireplace in a corner of the store that has been equipped with a handful of bistro tables. It’s quite obvious that he is homeless. However, he possesses a quiet dignity and even a flair that hasn’t been entirely erased by his circumstances. He always wears the same thing; a black bowler style hat, a scarf around his neck and a big black coat with an oversize velvet lapel. And, I've never seen him without his own white porcelain coffee mug.
My problem was that I didn’t want to just surreptitiously snap a picture of him. It seemed to me that would be unjust and it was easier to do nothing than to move out of my comfort zone to introduce myself and ask his permission.
Then came this final round of LPS and I resolved to make an attempt. Starting on the first Monday of the final, I stopped by the store each day at lunchtime to see if he was there – but he wasn’t. As the days went by, I became worried that some terrible fate had befallen him. I asked at the coffee shop if they had seen him Then finally, last Wednesday I could see he was back and sitting out front as I drove up. I gathered my camera and my courage and pulled up a chair next to him on the patio. I introduced myself. He said his name was Nicholas. I told him that I’m an amateur photographer and asked him if he would mind if I took some pictures of him. He paused briefly and said ok…but it would cost me. I volunteered the few dollars in my pocket - which he accepted graciously. He said that he had been a pretty good photographer years ago with his box camera. He said he had a good eye for composition. In my nervousness I asked him where he lived...blank stare...then he said that he had a spot about four blocks down & a block over (the railroad tunnel). He said that he'd like to get back to the San Francisco area. He’s a quiet, gentle soul and not particularly given to small talk.
As I got my camera out, up walked another homeless man who was very interested in what was going on. I offered my name and he said that his was Preacher John. Preacher John is a boisterous, wordy man worthy of his name. Nicholas said nothing else after Preacher John showed up. The Preacher sat down on the other side of the table and provided a running narration as I snapped a few photos of Nicholas. Preacher John said that Nicholas was going to get a big head and "go all Hollywood on us". Nicholas made no acknowledgment. He just sat , drawing comfort from each sip from his cup.

Solace in a cup

I‘ve wanted to take his photograph for months now. It’s an image that has haunted my subconscious. An image that I knew existed, but wasn't sure I could make happen. On nice days he sits, dozing in the sun, at a table outside the front door of the Starbucks that shares space in a grocery store that I go to for lunch sometimes. On wet or very cold days, he sits inside, head down, in a chocolate brown leather chair sipping his coffee by a cozy gas fireplace in a corner of the store that has been equipped with a handful of bistro tables. It’s quite obvious that he is homeless. However, he possesses a quiet dignity and even a flair that hasn’t been entirely erased by his circumstances. He always wears the same thing; a black bowler style hat, a scarf around his neck and a big black coat with an oversize velvet lapel. And, I've never seen him without his own white porcelain coffee mug.
My problem was that I didn’t want to just surreptitiously snap a picture of him. It seemed to me that would be unjust and it was easier to do nothing than to move out of my comfort zone to introduce myself and ask his permission.
Then came this final round of LPS and I resolved to make an attempt. Starting on the first Monday of the final, I stopped by the store each day at lunchtime to see if he was there – but he wasn’t. As the days went by, I became worried that some terrible fate had befallen him. I asked at the coffee shop if they had seen him Then finally, last Wednesday I could see he was back and sitting out front as I drove up. I gathered my camera and my courage and pulled up a chair next to him on the patio. I introduced myself. He said his name was Nicholas. I told him that I’m an amateur photographer and asked him if he would mind if I took some pictures of him. He paused briefly and said ok…but it would cost me. I volunteered the few dollars in my pocket - which he accepted graciously. He said that he had been a pretty good photographer years ago with his box camera. He said he had a good eye for composition. In my nervousness I asked him where he lived...blank stare...then he said that he had a spot about four blocks down & a block over (the railroad tunnel). He said that he'd like to get back to the San Francisco area. He’s a quiet, gentle soul and not particularly given to small talk.
As I got my camera out, up walked another homeless man who was very interested in what was going on. I offered my name and he said that his was Preacher John. Preacher John is a boisterous, wordy man worthy of his name. Nicholas said nothing else after Preacher John showed up. The Preacher sat down on the other side of the table and provided a running narration as I snapped a few photos of Nicholas. Preacher John said that Nicholas was going to get a big head and "go all Hollywood on us". Nicholas made no acknowledgment. He just sat , drawing comfort from each sip from his cup.
Which to enter for LPS1 final? 28 votes
Curves, Light & shadow
7 votes
Solace in a cup
21 votes
Comments that I've read that very interesting story, you've sucked me in completely. Yes, the portait is "the" shot to enter...even without reading the "behind the scenes", it's a very powerful image.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
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You managed to work up the courage and stray away from your comfort zone, why would you not go the distance?
For me, this can be the great thing about photography ... it's a passport, an opportunity to connect with people you might not otherwise.
Best of luck!
(BTW, for yourself this might convert extremely well to black and white ... maybe start with 100% red channel in channel mixer and then tweak)
No need for the story since the picture speaks volumes. I still enjoyed it though
Both shots are very good but since the second shot pulls in more emotion good or bad, it is the better choice
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Good luck.
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It has been such a great honor to have been a part of the inaugural LPS series. I originally entered on a lark in LPS Q3 with Perhaps more Prunes and got completely absorbed in the whole thing. It has been a real blessing to get to know some of you through this forum and your work. I want to continue to participate, but I have a busy spring and summer planned with lots of house projects and a full work schedule so I may not enter quite as often as I did last year.
Thanks again so very much and best wishes and best of luck to all of you!
-paul & smugmug