Looking for testers for a WordPress Plugin using SmugMug

First, I hope it is ok that I post a request for testers here, if not please let me know.
I just finished up a new release to my WordPress plugin PhotoXhibit (formally Benjamin Sterling Galleries) and I am looking for testers. You will need an SmugMug Api key and your username to pull in your SmugMug photos thru the advanced option, but you can using your RSS feed for the basic function..
You can download it from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/photoxhibit/ and there is documentation at http://benjaminsterling.com/benjaminsterlinggalleries/ (these docs will be updated when I post the final code with any bug fixes that may come from the testing.)
Feel free to post any comments or concerns/bugs here or at http://benjaminsterling.com/photoxhibit/
Thanks in advance.
First, I hope it is ok that I post a request for testers here, if not please let me know.
I just finished up a new release to my WordPress plugin PhotoXhibit (formally Benjamin Sterling Galleries) and I am looking for testers. You will need an SmugMug Api key and your username to pull in your SmugMug photos thru the advanced option, but you can using your RSS feed for the basic function..
You can download it from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/photoxhibit/ and there is documentation at http://benjaminsterling.com/benjaminsterlinggalleries/ (these docs will be updated when I post the final code with any bug fixes that may come from the testing.)
Feel free to post any comments or concerns/bugs here or at http://benjaminsterling.com/photoxhibit/
Thanks in advance.
OK... what am I missing here? I have loaded the plugin , but the create gallery page is very confusing. Not sure what to do next.
After you have it installed and you have clicked on the "PhotoXhibit" tab you should get 6 new sub tags. Click on "Build Gallery" and you will see the list of "Services" and if you are going to use your SmugMug account, check the SmugMug radio button then click next.
After that select the dropdown (I just noticed that is says picasa which I will fix) and select "basic" or "advanced".
If you chose "basic" you will need your rss feed which can be found at the bottom of your smugmug homepage. Paste that into the text field, click next, then select the Thumbnails and Large image sizes you want and then click "Get Photos".
At this point, if you scroll down the page slightly, you will see a group of thumbnails on the left. Double click the ones you want to add to the gallery.
After you have all the images you want, scroll down a bit more and select the structure you want. (This structure will be the default structure if a user is viewing with Javascript turned off and css turned off.)
Finally, scroll down a bit more, and enter in a name for your gallery, any name does not matter, this will be for your benefit only. Select a gallery style and depending on which one you selected you may have some params to file in which are optional and then click "submit changes." After that point, give it about 10 seconds or so and you will have a preview of the gallery at the top of the page.
At this point you can edit image alt text or styles by clicking the appropriate links.
I'm not having any luck at all with this plugin. Clicking next, or grab on any of these instructions warrant no results for me. I get a load error at the bottom of the page when I go to the build gallery tab.
Any suggestions?
There seems to be something the IE6 and IE7 don't like and I am assuming that is what you are using. It is working correctly in FF, Safari, Opera on a pc if you would like to test in those browsers. I will be working on the IE fix today and should have a fix for it sometime tonight.
I really appreciate you taking your time.
Tried FF on PC and it does work better. I did find a problem however when I got the RSS URL feed. I have a unique domain name, and when I input RSS feed of:
I am getting an error saying :
"The URL provided is not to Smugmug"
If I try to replace the URL like this:
it takes me to the thumbnail page, but then I get the following error when trying the "get photos" :
There seemed to be an error in the execution of the URL provided; please select another one and try again. If problem presists, please submit a bug.
Having the same issue with IE7, will try it on FF at home...looks VERY promising though
Thanks for the feedback.
That's the version I've been using (plugged it in just an hour ago)...same error as mentioned: Pressing "Next" takes me nowhere, the error at the bottom of the browser says:
Line: 32
Letter: 4414
Error: Invalid Argument
Code: 0
URL: ..../admin.php?page=px_build
As I said, will try later on firefox
Thanks, I will have to retest and see if I can fix the issue.
Give me till tonight to look into it.
Just wondering, are the images actually uploaded from Smugmug to my wordpress folders (different server), or just pulled for viewing? The whole point of having smugmug is NOT worrying about storage limits.
have a look:
The system will just reference your SmugMug photos, there is no transfer of files.
To edit the styles, you can click on the edit styles link under "Manage Galleries". For what you have posted, you can actually go one column less on the table and everything should fit.
Thanks for getting back to me.
by the way...the link "Manage Gallery"->"Edit images" brings me to a page withouth any functions (empty admin page of the plugin with only the paypal button on it).
Off for dinner and cinema now.....checking in later.
Good work! It's pretty much EXACTLY what I was looking for
The URL provided is not to SmugMug
Any suggestions?
I also have two different domains running: frizzy.smugmug.com for all the pics, and frizzy.net being my own domain (on which wordpress is running), haven't had a problem with the plugin as to this aspect.
sorry, can't help on this one
I added a different check for url structure so the url you provide earlier should work now. Can you grab the newest release and give that a go? Make sure to deactivate it then activate it again to make sure all update code gets forced in.
Still getting the following error:
There seemed to be an error in the execution of the URL provided; please select another one and try again. If problem presists, please submit a bug.
Yeah, this error is because your server does not allow for "allow_url_fopen" which is the major function that is being used in the back end.
Would you mind doing one test for me so I can make sure that that is the issue?
Can you put this code at the top of the photoxhibit.php page just below the license text:
So that it looks like http://pastebin.com/m3aedcdeb and when you go back to plugin page look at the very top left to see if you see the text "something is very wrong here".
You can do this by going to your admin area, clicking plugins, then click edit for PhotoXhibit, paste in the above and then hitting update file.
I do have a fix/alternate route, but it will take me a day or so to implement.
Just a quick update, my previous post is most likely wrong now, after talking with a few other people who were having the same problem it turns out that it was a "path" issue. If you are still interested, I just posted a new release that fixes this issue and so far no complaints.
Thanks for your patience.
I am definitely interested! I didn't want to say it still wasn't working for me before cause I felt like it might have been something I was doing wrong.
I'll give the new version a try.
Is there any way you can set me up with editor access so I can see what is going on? You can email me off list benjamin.sterling [at] kenzomedia.com.
Really sorry about this.
PM sent
Got your PM, and checked out your install of PX and I see what the problem is and I don't think I have an easy fix just yet. Your server has "allow_url_fopen" turned off, which will prevent the system from communication with SmugMug the way I need it to. I am working on an alternative right now, but I may not get it up for a couple of days.
Is it alright if I PM you when I have something for you to test?
Sure... Could I call my hosting service and see if they have an option to allow url fopen?
You can, but most likely they will say something along the lines that they turn it off for "security" and since you most like are on a shared hosting server, they will also say that turning it off gives a better experience for all users on that server. Which is ultimately all crap, but ask, they may be able to turn it one for you.
If not, I am working on a JavaScript Alternative to what the php does, that only problem is the way SmugMug requires a session to be started first. So I have to figure out how to get around that.
I just finished up some major changes to account for the allow_url_fopen being off, but only have been able to testing on servers that have it on, but I turned it off. Can you download the lastest version and let me know if it works for you? I really do appreciate it.
Browser still locks up. It looks like my webhosting service is going to turn on fopen for me. I'll update you when they do.
I see the issue, but since I really can't control what is on people's server I am changing to full jsonp support, give me another day and I will post a new version if you don't mind testing.
I don't mind testing because I actually had my hosting service turn on fopen for me, but the plugin still doesn't work for me. Keeps hanging when I try to build the gallery.