Non US currency support poll.

Contining the theme of this thread,, here is a poll asking if you support the idea of the Smugmug cart being available in a currency other than US$.
I'll let it run for 3 weeks and see what the results are.
I'll let it run for 3 weeks and see what the results are.
Which currency do you prefer ? 30 votes
USA, all the way !!!
4 votes
Non-US$ please.
23 votes
I don't care.
3 votes
If we could add it in easily we'd do it. It's something we'd love to be able to offer. There are other things ahead of this on the list though, I'm so sorry to say
I voted for foreign currency transactions
EDIT: PS, how many US peeps are actually going to take the time to vote? This poll will attract the people who want foreign currency transactions - we get that
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But if at one of your meetings you have a choice between this and something that is equal, then I hope this attention will tip the balance ...
Yes, I realise that it is a leading question but the squeeky wheel gets the oil...
Sad but true unfortunately ...
Baloney! That may be an Aussie-centric perspective, but it is not an American perspective. Quite insulting.
And for the record Mr. Scott: It's "U.S." with capital letters. But you knew that...
At least EZ is in Altanta so its a bit quicker than shipping from some other places.
that image is hilarious, but not cos it bashes the U>S> just because it's satire, most satire on any country is funny cos it exaggerates things to make them humerous or satirical - (YUROP" just kills me
Can get my pro sales checks from SmugMug in Euro??
Jake: Hit it.'s not constructive..
but I would love to see a link betwen SM and a UK based provider, such as fotoinsight who it turns out have the domain and are actually quite good!
its the one thing holding me and a number of others back from a pro account
please keep us informed of any progress at all in this area!
Thansk guys